i’ve never seen a confession be this well thought of, the timing in this manhwa is what ...

cuntyves April 4, 2024 6:32 am

i’ve never seen a confession be this well thought of, the timing in this manhwa is what makes it special to me
although it’s taking a long time im glad the author is slowly building up robin’s feelings for hangyul instead of making it instant and unrealistic,now i cant bear this cliffhanger I NEED TO SEE THEIR RE ENCOUNTER

    shitcory April 11, 2024 12:13 am

    Yeahh, I love reading slow burns even if I have to suffer a bit when I'm following as they get updated, but the worst part about it is the comments tbh. When things are slowly progressing, you see so many people just complaining and complaining about the pacing of the plot and screaming about "getting into the action" as if that isn't complete opposite of what a slow burn is ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    At least when some more progress is made the complainers stop for some bit and the people who'e been enjoying the ride get to share their thoughts and feelings.

    This is something I've noticed more than once when reading slow burns online and tbh, it can be a bit frustrating/tiresome as someone who enjoys the slowly built up moments and feelings ( ̄∇ ̄")