Deep Sigh

seagull April 3, 2024 11:20 pm

Mika and Yuu being gay was never going to be canon for a lot of reasons. But Shinoa’s feelings literally feel like they come out of nowhere. It makes sense for her to have a crush on Yuu but Love??? She has not developed her personal relationship with him enough for it to truly be romantic love. The author is forcing this romantic arc/plot/sub-plot/whatever it’s giving big “telling you not showing you.” They merged souls with each other, Yuu is possibly destroying the world for Mika and trusts him before others, and both have put the lives of others at risk to help each other. They have acted this way since the beginning and continue to act like this. The emotional backbone of this story is the relationship between Mika and Yuu, romantic or not. Shinoa has not had as much one-on-one “screen time” with Yuu like Mika has but she is written with the same self sacrificing attitude towards Yuu without the emotional labor that Mika and Yuu have shown towards each other. I hope this is a one sided love and Yuu doesn’t end up with her but if that’s the case it basically ruins her character. Her sister’s only character trait is obsession with Greun and now Shinoa’s is obsession with Yuu.

I’m less mad about Mika and Yuu not being gay, I’m mad that the most important female character in this story has been turned into a one dimensional character and instead of having her own relationship with Yuu she is going through the same beats that Mika already did.

    seagull April 3, 2024 11:26 pm

    Correction- I meant Shinoa’s sister and her character “motivations” are all about men, not traits.

    ᶠᵃⁱʳʸᵇˡᵒˢˢ April 3, 2024 11:47 pm

    LITERALLY. i want 0 romance. if kagami-sensei takes the route of reducing shinoa whose entire being revolves around "loving" a boy, AND they end up together, i'm dropping it lol.

    shinoa has so much potential as a dynamic character but it's starting to look like your typical shoujo romance and it just seems so forced. the 2 have no chemistry whatsoever and it's getting really annoying how forced it's becoming.

    plus if yuunoa was canon then kagami got some explaining to do with how much he hinted and heavily implied at mikayuu being canon

    Beka April 3, 2024 11:52 pm

    Kagami sucks so much at romance and females, like, forget about Kishimoto and your average shonen mangaka, that may or may not be sooo bad with romance, Kagami actually thinls he is cooking and is just making a fool out of his girls, and boys too why not.

    seagull April 4, 2024 5:58 am
    Kagami sucks so much at romance and females, like, forget about Kishimoto and your average shonen mangaka, that may or may not be sooo bad with romance, Kagami actually thinls he is cooking and is just making a... Beka

    Oh yeah, this is a very common thing in Shounen. Especially with an action series, any time spent on emotions is time not spent killing demons so the romance is never developed