redhead motivation

oaf April 3, 2024 8:17 am

what is the red heads motivation for doing all this, like he just wants to be a dick? he has no relation to anyone, just a random guy he knows got his teeth pulled out by Shin and now he wants revenge for … what exactly???

    fwopfwop April 3, 2024 9:42 pm

    yea dude is honestly just a low class spoiled crybaby with an ego more fragile than jaekyung. dude cant accept someone is better than him in all aspect and wants "revenge" but also a coward who hides behind other ppl cos he too afraid to confront shin head on. tho he def not avenging the dude that got root canal midfwop.

    cookie April 5, 2024 1:00 pm

    because he used to bully shin and think he was a nobody but now hes a dominant alpha that everyone looks up to so he wants to ruin him for fun. TLDR hes digging his own grave