Can’t stand him

JackBlade April 3, 2024 5:58 am

Am I the only one who just can’t stand Shahid? He acts like an entitled manchild when it comes to Yesing.

Like good god, both Yesing deserves way better. At least Kindred is a bit better and actually treats Alvin with respect.

Kindred’s never been in this situation before dealing with an abuse victim so understandably he’s making mistakes but at least he’s doing his best not to hurt or force him. I just want to watch Alvin grow into his own person and kindred to help him through it.

Shahid belongs in cuffs everytime he interacts with Yesing.

    Anonymous April 5, 2024 6:39 pm

    Agreed about Shahid because he does not understand consent at all and he's just jarring. But Kinard is very wrong as well I think, just seeing the way he interacts with everything and remembering that dr Caleb said his mind is still as it was ten years ago makes their relationship quite weird

    JackBlade April 6, 2024 4:29 pm
    Agreed about Shahid because he does not understand consent at all and he's just jarring. But Kinard is very wrong as well I think, just seeing the way he interacts with everything and remembering that dr Caleb ... Anonymous

    I agree with that and I’m sure that’s going to be a problem later but I’m more on kindreds side because he never forced anything on Mc and always stopped when he thought he was hurting unlike Shadid and he was encouraged by Shadid to do it. He really is nothing but a sex puppy in the story who doesn’t know the word No and that’s what’s annoying me.

    Anonymous April 6, 2024 5:42 pm
    I agree with that and I’m sure that’s going to be a problem later but I’m more on kindreds side because he never forced anything on Mc and always stopped when he thought he was hurting unlike Shadid and h... JackBlade

    Fr, Shahid just does not quit and then acts a fool and says yesing is just a child like make it make sense