Please stop doing this

Sniffcats April 2, 2024 6:37 pm

Sorry it's long but it needs to be addressed
Also I'm not blaming the readers or even females but rather the people who don't even see a problem with this. It's an amazing book but the pedophile type tendency is too much too continue

After further reading through the comments I found that I am more then likely to drop this. My first red flag was when the characters were cheering on milten (the girl who was working as a merchant) to confess to the mint (the old man). Don't get me wrong confessing isn't the problem it's allowing and suggestions that were made through this part of the plot. The elf said that the 13 year age gap wasn't that bad within HER OWN SPECIES. Which shows that they have a different process but that's not humans. I get uaving a crush who doesn't see you the same way but this relationship is giving teachers pet by melanie martinez and not in a good way (it's extremely rare for it to be in a good way). Milten is 29 which puts mint at 42 years. Almost double her age and we were supposed to be like YASS GO GET YOUR MAN! But in reality I was like girl just sit down.

Second red flag was with the dragon baby. We were told by the mc that she is at a baby age and mentally.the relationship that we have been shown is caregiver and child but we are supposed to ship them? I understand that she is a dragon and has this immortal age but that isn't the point. You sat up here and drew her and gave her a child like body and mentally. Then when we want her to stay there or at least have been changed originally so that it wasn't weird we are seen as rude, annoying, and even over EXAGGERATING. NAH YALL GOT ME MESSED UP!! It's nasty I get that short people and even people who are childish exist I myself am both. That is still not an excuse for this behavior even if this is fictional.

I'm tired of yall doing this to female characters. Yall make them short, developed, and childish even though they are supposed to be powerful and functional ADULTS but oh no that's too good for us females. We get limited to overly sexualized and plot developers rather then characters. I'm sick and tired of seeing this and seeing people say be nice or just drop if you don't like it.

If you are an author or illustrator for everyone please don't do this.

    Sakuraruu April 3, 2024 12:51 pm

    Would you like to talk to my girlfriend who is 30 years old, married to her 2 years older husband, blessed with 2 children, but, she is a carbon copy of Rurin physically even at this age (made me wonder if she is human), well, minus the childish act?
    Will you say the same thing to her husband's face?
    Say to his face that he is a pedophile?
    They've known each other since they were young (neighbours).
    But the girl physical body stop growing early, while the boy grew too fast too quick.
    When they went out to date, some people woulf look at them funny and gossiping.
    And last time I watch reality show, a couple with same experience appeared in Korea.
    Of course, if one is really only 12 years old (underage) and the other is adult, that would be very very wrong.
    But how, a 29 years old (consenting) get in relationship with a 40 something (also consenting) is wrong?
    Especially when there was no "grooming" involved?
    For MC and Rurin, when they met, Rurin is 135 years old (physical still same as the current one)
    And then she spent 15 years with MC solely fighting, traveling and trying to survive.
    If it is because she act like a child, heck, I have 1 adult back at home aged 42, but still act like a child.
    Don't wanna work, selfish, arrogant, violent, high ego & pride, lazy, and still 80% dependent on his 70 years old mom, and when I went back there for holiday he asked me to buy him new phone (I'm 12 years younger and work my ass off for that holiday), I said NOPE.
    Then, in this story, we got Rurin who already can think for herself, acting childish because she knows MC care for her like a family, within those 15 years together, family affection has turned to romantic affection.
    MC is very kind but not hypocrite. He saved Rurin, treat her like he would to anyone, and within 15 years together, he grew family affection towards her. Then, the affection now growing more albeit slowly.
    What MC feel now is more than family affection, but still less than romantic.
    It is more of thinking that Rurin would become his "soulmates".
    And so far MC has not touched Rurin inappropriately or with sexual intention.
    They just sleep normally in same bed (mind you, I grew up sleeping together with my mom and older brother in same bed).
    But somehow people saying shipping a handsome young looking man (1000 years old mage) with a young beautiful woman (30 years old) is okay?
    But when the same 1000years old man looks old, he was called pedophile.
    Then what if one day you come across a 13 years old girl who looks like grandma and seems to be in relationship with a 30 years old man who looks like 16. What you gonna say?

    Sniffcats April 4, 2024 5:36 am
    Would you like to talk to my girlfriend who is 30 years old, married to her 2 years older husband, blessed with 2 children, but, she is a carbon copy of Rurin physically even at this age (made me wonder if she ... Sakuraruu

    First off if you are going to make a claim such as this please think before you post.

    I'm sorry to your girlfriend or wife and her husband (I can't tell if they are the same person or you mean 2 seperate people) for them getting bothered. I'm not trying to say that relationships matter solely do to their appearance but rather mentally and even intentions of the relationship. Their 2 year age gap isn't the problem, her being short isn't the problem, however, the problem does indeed lye with some of those people being concerned and others only wanting to cause them harm and suffering. I understand completely that things like height and how developed you look play a role in how people seek out others and how others perceive you, however, while doing so unconscious meanings and intentions can come to light. I AM NOT SAYING THAT THIS IS THE CASE but rather just bringing up since it's a highly possible reasoning behind how others view them.
    I try not to act too "cute" or childish around people who aren't close friends and or family due to p3dophiles, groomers, and other potential danger that may come to me due to my actions. I dont mean we should stop it all together to stay safe bit rather be aware of others intentions. I wish I could liv3 in a world where I could say, dress, and act how others act especially men but I can't. Rather then cry and be depressed I'll just make the best of what I can do while warning others of how their actions may be perceived.

    Now back to my first sentence and whu i said to think beofre you post. I saw that at the bottom of your spiel you say "Then what if one day you come across a 13 years old girl who looks like grandma and seems to be in relationship with a 30 years old man who looks like 16. What you gonna say?" I would call the police, tell them to get mentally checked and get them locked in a psych word or at least checked in for a while. He is a full grown adult forget how he appears and she a literal child. They should have revealed their age and even if they havent as soon as it is they need to break up. I dont care what religion, economic situation, or even your stance on other matters that could easily affect a relationship but this is not only morally wrong but also gut wrenching. I would hate to find out that this is real. I would hope both parties meet people in their own generation at least to find their solmate despite their appearances. I hate that this is your argument conclusion. All you showed is that if they can trick the other by appearance the relationship is okay. Maybe you don't agree but to comment this under my post about how uncomfortable me and fellow readers are about these situations being used speaks ABSOLUTE VOLUMES.

    Second don't spam other readers or the droppers with copy and paste comment. It is all the same bullcrap and further more it's stupid and just annoying over all. Like I understand people not thinking from different perspectives and you trying to get your point across but it's just repetitive, disrespectful, and lowkey desperate to do so much.

    Thirdly don't speak as if real life and fiction can be compared like you did above. It is a widely known fact that there are people who are on the more childish side then others but to use that in this case is wrong. I'm talking about a parent & child dynamic. Even an older sibling and younger sibling dynamic and you think it's fine to bring that bullcrap up bffr. I dont know you personally or your experience through life but don't say or defend this as if its not weird to change from a sibling dynamic to a romantic relationship cause it is. In this sense its different from other stories where they are close friends who are close like family and arent related. In this story though we have a grown man who gets sent into this fantasy world and is now surviving and fulfilling his passions and along the way picks up a dragon more specifically a BABY DRAGON. He admits and tells us that she is not only a baby in age but also mentally. It doesn't matter the time period it's f-ing weird. I completely understand that it's a common practice of the time to find and suitable partner in any age range. To further prove my point another character thought that rurin was his wife but it doesn't make it any less weird. Another thing we find from the dragon lord guy is that she is seen as a baby. Not only his eyes but multiple dragons which is why they are then tasked with building the lair before she reaches adult hood (proving she isnt even close to be ling an adult). Even her own people say she is a baby. These are multiple instances where we are told or nudged to put her in a child like presence and position. So I feel uncomfortable to remove her and play her into and adult setting especially for the plot.

    Fourthly you state yourself that they are in a family dynamic so why is it so wrong for us readers to not want them to change into potential partners? People are allowed to date who ever they want but this is slipping into grooming especially if it certain aspects of the story were changed and this story is good so I'm hoping it doesn't get revealed or even hinted to go like that.

    Fifthly rurin acting like a child is normal and even reasonable since we know that she is a child regardless of her age compared to children. People in real life acting childish is normal and common. We were all kids once (some of yall reading this are) and will more than likely keep an amount of our child essence with us. Some people have more then others and clearly show it. Despite thst others keep it more private. Either way it's fine since that is part of being human. I for one have seen and done both in certain situations but the difference in me acting like a child and rurin is that she is indeed a child from a age(dragon years), appearanceand even mentally. My mom acts childish because she is not only comfortable around family amd her friends but she understands that she can't be stiff and stoic all the time. She looks young to the point she has gotten hit on by people who are way too young for her. She rejects them cause one she married and happy for one. 2 she ain't going to get into a relationship with people who she ain't getting into a relationship with others expecting to do adul5 things with someone who could have been a student of hers or the around the age of he children.even pursuing another in such a big age difference is a red flag whether fictional or real life.
    It's simplest if yall weren't born in the same generation or are in the situation where you are less than 2-3 years near the cut off don't pursue or even allow yourself to get involved with said person. Unless you are grown like 28 and up type grown!!!!

    Questions I feel you should answer (don't have to but it would help)
    Why did you not mention milten and mint especially since they also have a age gap, a dynamic that started as something other than romantic, and was also brought up by me when explaining my disgusting and disappointment?

    Sniffcats April 4, 2024 5:38 am
    Would you like to talk to my girlfriend who is 30 years old, married to her 2 years older husband, blessed with 2 children, but, she is a carbon copy of Rurin physically even at this age (made me wonder if she ... Sakuraruu

    First off if you are going to make a claim such as this please think before you post.

    I'm sorry to your girlfriend or wife and her husband (I can't tell if they are the same person or you mean 2 seperate people) for them getting bothered. I'm not trying to say that relationships matter solely do to their appearance but rather mentally and even intentions of the relationship. Their 2 year age gap isn't the problem, her being short isn't the problem, however, the problem does indeed lye with some of those people being concerned and others only wanting to cause them harm and suffering. I understand completely that things like height and how developed you look play a role in how people seek out others and how others perceive you, however, while doing so unconscious meanings and intentions can come to light. I AM NOT SAYING THAT THIS IS THE CASE but rather just bringing up since it's a highly possible reasoning behind how others view them.
    I try not to act too "cute" or childish around people who aren't close friends and or family due to p3dophiles, groomers, and other potential danger that may come to me due to my actions. I dont mean we should stop it all together to stay safe bit rather be aware of others intentions. I wish I could liv3 in a world where I could say, dress, and act how others act especially men but I can't. Rather then cry and be depressed I'll just make the best of what I can do while warning others of how their actions may be perceived.

    Now back to my first sentence and whu i said to think beofre you post. I saw that at the bottom of your spiel you say "Then what if one day you come across a 13 years old girl who looks like grandma and seems to be in relationship with a 30 years old man who looks like 16. What you gonna say?" I would call the police, tell them to get mentally checked and get them locked in a psych word or at least checked in for a while. He is a full grown adult forget how he appears and she a literal child. They should have revealed their age and even if they havent as soon as it is they need to break up. I dont care what religion, economic situation, or even your stance on other matters that could easily affect a relationship but this is not only morally wrong but also gut wrenching. I would hate to find out that this is real. I would hope both parties meet people in their own generation at least to find their solmate despite their appearances. I hate that this is your argument conclusion. All you showed is that if they can trick the other by appearance the relationship is okay. Maybe you don't agree but to comment this under my post about how uncomfortable me and fellow readers are about these situations being used speaks ABSOLUTE VOLUMES.

    Second don't spam other readers or the droppers with copy and paste comment. It is all the same bullcrap and further more it's stupid and just annoying over all. Like I understand people not thinking from different perspectives and you trying to get your point across but it's just repetitive, disrespectful, and lowkey desperate to do so much.

    Thirdly don't speak as if real life and fiction can be compared like you did above. It is a widely known fact that there are people who are on the more childish side then others but to use that in this case is wrong. I'm talking about a parent & child dynamic. Even an older sibling and younger sibling dynamic and you think it's fine to bring that bullcrap up bffr. I dont know you personally or your experience through life but don't say or defend this as if its not weird to change from a sibling dynamic to a romantic relationship cause it is. In this sense its different from other stories where they are close friends who are close like family and arent related. In this story though we have a grown man who gets sent into this fantasy world and is now surviving and fulfilling his passions and along the way picks up a dragon more specifically a BABY DRAGON. He admits and tells us that she is not only a baby in age but also mentally. It doesn't matter the time period it's f-ing weird. I completely understand that it's a common practice of the time to find and suitable partner in any age range. To further prove my point another character thought that rurin was his wife but it doesn't make it any less weird. Another thing we find from the dragon lord guy is that she is seen as a baby. Not only his eyes but multiple dragons which is why they are then tasked with building the lair before she reaches adult hood (proving she isnt even close to be ling an adult). Even her own people say she is a baby. These are multiple instances where we are told or nudged to put her in a child like presence and position. So I feel uncomfortable to remove her and play her into and adult setting especially for the plot.

    Fourthly you state yourself that they are in a family dynamic so why is it so wrong for us readers to not want them to change into potential partners? People are allowed to date who ever they want but this is slipping into grooming especially if it certain aspects of the story were changed and this story is good so I'm hoping it doesn't get revealed or even hinted to go like that.

    Sniffcats April 4, 2024 5:39 am
    First off if you are going to make a claim such as this please think before you post.I'm sorry to your girlfriend or wife and her husband (I can't tell if they are the same person or you mean 2 seperate people)... Sniffcats

    Didn't mean to post twice my phone lagged