moths to a (SA) flame

kuriglavo April 2, 2024 8:11 am

at this point i genuinely believe bl artists don’t think it’s possible to do these alpha-to-omega type transformations without SA or some other nonconsensual nonsense. like there’s so many concepts and tropes to explore and yet they come back to rape time and time again, like moths to a flame.

like imagine if the ML just screwed with MC by not showing at the mafia meeting (what ever happen to that plot line btw??). u could have MC be a recessive omega who only presents when his soulmate (ML) goes into rut. u could have him dosed by an outside party and ML helps him through his heat. MC could even take the medication on his own accord bc he wants to match the long lost love he’s spent his whole life looking for, maybe even to have kids.

but no. it’s gratuitous, unnecessary rape scenes. bc of course it is.

    ilovestarfish April 2, 2024 11:13 am

    100% agree the plot does not exist and its boring asl,its a shame too bc the art style is pretty good