Nah, TJ being hot is just a bonus. Idk what manhwa you are reading, but there is no way you think Ian&TJ are ‘just fuck buddies’. Yeah, the sex is hot & constant, but they’re literally more than that? I think it’s you who does not understand their relationship & that’s why you think it’s shallow. Ian&TJ are trauma-bonded ride-or-die type of trope, and they cannot let go of that shit no matter how hard they try, no matter how much Ian pushes himself to do so. It’s literally a story of how they should let go of one another if they want to be healthier hence, the title Wet Sand. Idgaf who’s end game, but Taejoon is an integral part of who Ian is and vice-versa. So yeah, it’s not because we’re used to ‘p0rN mAnHwAs’, but because for us, it’s the more interesting relationship to follow

Bro, that’s the point. It’s not supposed to be healthy. It’s supposed to be toxic. Ian is supposed to choose Jo if he wants to move on with his life and heal, but he’s having a hard time doing that because that’s how trauma-bonding works. He’s attached & that’s his ride-or-die. Ian leaving is not just for him, but for Taejoon too because he loves him and that’s why he has to let go because they’re unhealthy. It’s actually a realistic depiction of a co-dependent relationship. I’m just sayin’ there’s more depth & complexity to TJIAN than just fuckin’ around. If you can’t comprehend, then I’m sorry.
Team Jo all the way, I know you guys are only rooting for TJ bcs he's hot, but to me, all he and ian so is fuck around all the time, unlike with jo it feels like a real relationship. You guys are just used to p*rn manhwas that u think constant sex is the only way for a gay rs