Nekuzubaro ☆ April 2, 2024 4:02 am

WHAT. THIS IS ALREADY COMPLETE??? HUH? UHM. i binged readed this in one sitting, and i enjoyed it sm, AND I LOVE THIS. That ending seemed a bit rushed though?? Im a bit confused as to how they got back to the human world, after all that "Once humans stepped into the other world they can't live" shits??

And the scene between Akira and Ren in the finale, it seemed like there was something else the Author wanted to do but instead decided to end it. . Omg, i was expecting Akira and Ren to atleast have a side story, since i need Akira's reaction about Ren being his sister's boyfriend before she died. ahhhhh.

Overall its an worth it read, its just the ending that was a bit lacking. Which is sad considering the potential of that supposive cliffhanger between Ren and Akira .

Happy for my bbs, Nagisa and Kyouji to be finally married. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
