
Daemon April 2, 2024 3:32 am

I don't mind the flashbacks at all because while I miss Ian I'm still curious about what exactly led to Brian's death. That being said doe, am I the only one who doesn't think Brian is all that? He gets so damn preachy at times. It was fine at first but it's getting a bit exhausting now. Him standing up to dragons isn't the flex it's supposed to be considering these 'dragons' are less dragons and more people cosplaying as dragons. Lowkey, I just think I hate fantasy stories where they try to make non-human characters play by human morals. Like that's a mfing dragon! Why do you want to tame him and make him a basic bitch? 'Dragons are so ignorant; how can they think they can solve everything by force?' Maybe cuz they're mfing dragons, dawg! Normally they can flatten you with a single paw. 'I'm gonna teach these dragons to be humans!' Then make them humans, dawg! Why make them dragons and then remove every interesting bit about them? Ngl, Brian's become so condescending that I'm lowkey rooting for/looking forward to his death. I'm sure I'll be sad when it does happen but at this point I'm not surprised.
