Somebody call the cops on the author cuz what the actual fuck????

Ah! April 2, 2024 2:06 am

Somebody call the cops on the author cuz what the actual fuck????

    Classic June 24, 2024 4:41 pm

    I really don't think author should be blamed, how is it author fault if they're writing good horror series which was supposed to make readers uncomfortable, most of the stories were how women are exploited no matter by whom, a really dark side, these are disgustingly good f*cked up stories.

    Dr. Killgood February 27, 2025 10:02 pm
    I really don't think author should be blamed, how is it author fault if they're writing good horror series which was supposed to make readers uncomfortable, most of the stories were how women are exploited no m... Classic

    You did not cook with this take. How is this manga a feminist social commentary about female exploitation when it ultimately does exactly what you say it is critiquing

    Dr. Killgood February 27, 2025 10:15 pm
    You did not cook with this take. How is this manga a feminist social commentary about female exploitation when it ultimately does exactly what you say it is critiquing Dr. Killgood

    Before you say anything, yes I know you didnt say that it was a feminist social commentary. But to claim that it had some kind of profound message is stupid
    "Most of the stories were how women are exploited no matter by whom"
    Just because horror is supposed to make us uncomfortable, doesnt mean its beyond critique. Horror Media has a track record of portraying women in horribly degrading ways. A womans death in old Horror movies was very often accompanied with fanservice. Men do not get that kind of treatment in Horror movies at all. If it exists, I sure have never ever seen it. This manga in no way trying to tell us a message about womens exploitation, it is just the authors sexual fetish. And by saying that I dont mean every single author has to be woke. They can do whatever they want. We live in a democracy. The author has the right to freedom of expression, and I have the right to my opinion about them and their mangas (in the same way you have the right to your opinion).
    "I dont really think author should be blamed"
    Who are we supposed to blame then? They were the one who wrote the damn book. Again, no hard Feelings. I have to say this. I'm not trying to attack you, dont take anything I say personally. Dont be insulted by it. You have a right to your opinion, I really dont want to get into a bad fight online over a manga

    Dr. Killgood February 27, 2025 10:20 pm
    I really don't think author should be blamed, how is it author fault if they're writing good horror series which was supposed to make readers uncomfortable, most of the stories were how women are exploited no m... Classic

    Tl:dr no piece of Art is immune to criticism.

    Batata March 1, 2025 7:34 am
    Before you say anything, yes I know you didnt say that it was a feminist social commentary. But to claim that it had some kind of profound message is stupid "Most of the stories were how women are exploited no ... Dr. Killgood

    But even if you say no art is immune to criticism doesn't mean you gotta go and put all the blame, his other works are good, an author explores different genre and it's fine, just like how you saw this in different light, I did differently, criticism is based purely on viewers perspective also if you don't wanna get into fight why write it in the first place, next time don't name call and try to frame your sentences in better n peaceful way.

    Dr. Killgood March 1, 2025 9:08 am
    Hmmm...understandable!But even if you say no art is immune to criticism doesn't mean you gotta go and put all the blame, his other works are good, an author explores different genre and it's fine, just like how... Batata

    I wrote it because I wanted to, I just didnt want to get into a bad argument over a manga (again). We can talk without being rude to eachother. I just wanted to say that so I dont come off aggressive.

    Dr. Killgood March 1, 2025 9:10 am
    I wrote it because I wanted to, I just didnt want to get into a bad argument over a manga (again). We can talk without being rude to eachother. I just wanted to say that so I dont come off aggressive. Dr. Killgood

    I'll try to be less accusatory next time