Normal people when they get asked to rate something 1 to 5 stars- Hmm on a scale of 1 to 5 how good was this?
Me when I rate things (aka signal to myself for when I forget what this even is)- 1 star- this is shit I never want to see it again 2 star- read this when all hope is lost, nothing is available to read, and you need to zonk out and skip 90% of it because it doesn’t matter anyway 3 star- meh, could be worse 4 star- it was good, but either it was too short or some questions were left unanswered. 5 star- the holy grail. Re-read on a rainy day when life hits you hard. Buy paperbacks. Get posters. All hail this masterpiece.
Normal people when they get asked to rate something 1 to 5 stars-
Hmm on a scale of 1 to 5 how good was this?
Me when I rate things (aka signal to myself for when I forget what this even is)-
1 star- this is shit I never want to see it again
2 star- read this when all hope is lost, nothing is available to read, and you need to zonk out and skip 90% of it because it doesn’t matter anyway
3 star- meh, could be worse
4 star- it was good, but either it was too short or some questions were left unanswered.
5 star- the holy grail. Re-read on a rainy day when life hits you hard. Buy paperbacks. Get posters. All hail this masterpiece.