...i mean technically that fiance was his cousin? i'd be mad too if my fiance turned out to be my cousin lmao
but on a serious note i think what added to his anger in this specifically was: he felt betrayed because the truth was concealed from him. of the three closest to him, his brother is still his brother, his friend is still his friend, but his fiance is suddenly his cousin.

Because he already felt a level of dislike towards his mother. Then he finds out his fiancé (who is suddenly also is cousin) is literally reporting back to the empress. She is the empresses pawn to ensure he becomes a good ruler. She is placed beside him politically and not a bond he formed naturally as he originally thought. So basically he felt doubly betrayed.
can someone explain why he was mad knowing his mother's relationship with his fiance specifically? if he was mad, shouldn't he be mad that everyone around him was planted by his mother, as a whole?