and why is sunny a top he even towers over dogchn my dreams of feisty dombottom sunny and subtop Megane senpai is shattered
I know riiight
NO FRRR dude im praying that sunny is somehow still bottom ;-; main cp turned out not to be what i wanted too so now i gotta rely on side couple
Haha suck it, Sunny and Jinwoo are topping lmaooo
Cry harder, bitch
dont get your panties in twist ho relax
holy someone woke up and chose violence, get a life bro
No thx
clicked back through dozens of pages to dig up some old comment from a year ago to shit on go get a job embarrassing bum
and why is sunny a top he even towers over dogchn my dreams of feisty dombottom sunny and subtop Megane senpai is shattered