
SilentReader March 31, 2024 8:56 pm

Babes reincarnated 100 times, it took her 99 reincarnations for her to realise that she needs to change some shit in her life. Y'all saying she's 5 yrs.... Explain the 99 chances of reincarnations before this. A for effort I guess... I hope she doesn't disappoint us and herself this time, it's literally her 100th chance.

    Yuki-chi March 31, 2024 9:10 pm

    If you had paid attention while reading. It was mentioned in the white space after her death and before her regression that she could not act as she wanted. She was essentially forced to follow a Skript, futher shown when shortly after the regression she was surprised she could apologize to cyan. So no essentially it is her first ever chance to change something and act as she likes in those 100 lives

    SilentReader March 31, 2024 9:17 pm
    If you had paid attention while reading. It was mentioned in the white space after her death and before her regression that she could not act as she wanted. She was essentially forced to follow a Skript, futher... Yuki-chi

    Wrong, her 99th life was different, if you had the knowledge of the past 98 lives, wouldn't you use it to change the current life you're living??? But no she met the Same fate. Now she had given up and planned to run away but thankfully changed her mind. I mean come on, you know the future of what's going to happen, she's experienced it in 99 lifes... You're telling me she cannot do more than what's she done? She's 5yrs old, she can speak and has the ability to think fast. She could well have stopped the Duke from leaving. But whatever the plot is I'm here for it.

    Yuki-chi March 31, 2024 9:26 pm
    Wrong, her 99th life was different, if you had the knowledge of the past 98 lives, wouldn't you use it to change the current life you're living??? But no she met the Same fate. Now she had given up and planned ... SilentReader

    She literally could not act out anything but the villainess. Like please go back and reread the first chapter at least.

    SilentReader March 31, 2024 9:40 pm
    She literally could not act out anything but the villainess. Like please go back and reread the first chapter at least. Yuki-chi

    Wrong again, she could in her 99th life. She literally said this life was different.

    Yuki-chi March 31, 2024 9:46 pm
    Wrong again, she could in her 99th life. She literally said this life was different. SilentReader

    She could not. She had no recollection she literally said that a moment before and right after she said this was the most different (which can be interpreted in many ways btw) she said for extra actors like her it is impossible to change the story and only regression make that possible. She literally could not do anything before the 100th loop

    urmom April 1, 2024 7:40 am

    first of all, she has no control whatsoever meaning she can’t decide what she does or says, second of all, with each live of hers she loses all memory of her past lives until she returns back to the spirit world. This was all made clear and stated at the very beginning of the story, makes me wonder if u even read it

    headempty April 1, 2024 3:02 pm
    She could not. She had no recollection she literally said that a moment before and right after she said this was the most different (which can be interpreted in many ways btw) she said for extra actors like her... Yuki-chi

    Yuki pls never vote

    SilentReader April 3, 2024 9:09 am
    first of all, she has no control whatsoever meaning she can’t decide what she does or says, second of all, with each live of hers she loses all memory of her past lives until she returns back to the spirit wo... urmom

    Etu bruatus? Listen she had 98th reincarnations out of her control, her 99th life was in her control she clearly said that this life was different. Read please. When I meant she had 99 chances I meant she should've known every possible turn of the story, it's not something that can be forgotten and yet she forgot when her daddy dearest departs for the islands. Please! She maybe 5 but she should be able to plan and execute said plans. She's got the experience and knowledge of 99 lives.

    SilentReader April 3, 2024 9:11 am
    She could not. She had no recollection she literally said that a moment before and right after she said this was the most different (which can be interpreted in many ways btw) she said for extra actors like her... Yuki-chi

    The novel says differently. Her 99th life was her own. No authors spirit forced her. Yet it ended the same. You're telling me the knowledge of 99 lives shouldn't play part in this life? Girl has the knowledge and the experience since shes done this 99 times. She's has had 99 chances of experiencing the same shit over. Least she could do is change the plot.

    riri28 April 3, 2024 9:16 am

    Lol y'all misunderstanding, you're right silent reader I got you. She's had 99 chances of experience so villy should definitely be able to deter things from it's horrible destination. I totally agree with you. Her 99th live was different people, she had control according to the novel so I get the gist.

    riri28 April 3, 2024 9:19 am
    She could not. She had no recollection she literally said that a moment before and right after she said this was the most different (which can be interpreted in many ways btw) she said for extra actors like her... Yuki-chi

    Yuki she had her 99th life in her control. Maybe she was influenced by the previous 98 ending, who knows. But you can't deny that she's had chances to experience those lives and their ending, so she should be fully equipped on how to deal with this. She's failed her first mission of stopping her father.....

    riri28 April 3, 2024 9:21 am
    first of all, she has no control whatsoever meaning she can’t decide what she does or says, second of all, with each live of hers she loses all memory of her past lives until she returns back to the spirit wo... urmom

    You sir haven't read properly. I won't even bother explaining anything to you. The way I read it is in consensus with the silent dude. The novel, if you had bothered to do research is much different to this.

    urmom April 4, 2024 6:39 pm
    Etu bruatus? Listen she had 98th reincarnations out of her control, her 99th life was in her control she clearly said that this life was different. Read please. When I meant she had 99 chances I meant she shoul... SilentReader

    she literally did not, it was stated that even if she tried to act differently she wasn’t able to, which is why she had countless breakdowns and once again SHE HAS NO MEMORY OF HER PAST LIFES WHEN SHE’S LIVING THROUGH A LIFE, she couldn’t do anything in 99th. If you’re talking about the 100th where she is able to do as she pleases then yes she can change stuff, but the thing with her dad leaving, he was supposed to depart later but because she changed the story he went earlier that planned, there was nothing she could do about it.

    urmom April 4, 2024 6:41 pm
    You sir haven't read properly. I won't even bother explaining anything to you. The way I read it is in consensus with the silent dude. The novel, if you had bothered to do research is much different to this. riri28

    thats the novel im talking about the manhwa in this case, and what i said is right

    Yuki-chi April 4, 2024 9:59 pm
    Yuki she had her 99th life in her control. Maybe she was influenced by the previous 98 ending, who knows. But you can't deny that she's had chances to experience those lives and their ending, so she should be f... riri28

    Where the hell was it stated she was in control in the 99th life? And we're not talking nove here only manhwa content in which and here I even give you the reference chapters it was stated she has no memories of previous runs and in chapter one page seven it was sated she couldn't even move as she wanted, nor say and do things as she liked. As she stated again in chapter three on page two where she was surprised she could apologize to cyan there she literally said "before I couldn't act nice even if I wanted too."
    So no she had no control riri.