This is why I hate bonded/lifesaving love

sasa March 31, 2024 10:06 am

There's just a ton of unfortunate implications to a relationship if, say, you are the only one who can charge your abusive, neglectful spouse's pacemaker - a pacemaker that sets off a nuke once it stops - then either you're stuck sacrificing your life and happiness for your abuser or you walk away knowing the damage you may cause to not just your spouse, but to others potentially around him. It's not just a matter of finding a supportive family at that point.

Not that it matters though, since it looks like the author is going the cowards route of gaslighting the MC - how everything she experienced under the ex was really just someone else's fault and how him neglecting and isolating her is all fine because he did it out of love/to protect her/whatever BS the author pulls. And if the saint, some random side chick becomes the 'real' villain to wash away the ex's transgressions - that hits way too close to real life 'justifications' for abuse.

Hopefully they bring in more guides and espers and unbond the ex so MC can live her new life without baggage, but I'm pretty sure that's too much to ask of a story like this.

    kioni April 2, 2024 12:02 pm

    you said everything so well, but ya I was hoping for too much with this story lmaoo