Chii gets overwhelmed by Nishiki's actions and gets mad/runs away, Nishiki doesn't explain...

Nikkidiary March 31, 2024 9:12 am

Chii gets overwhelmed by Nishiki's actions and gets mad/runs away, Nishiki doesn't explain, and Chii later finds out more and learns that there's more to Nishiki's actions.

Really a short and cute story, and my favorite part is always the drawings of the snake and mouse at the back of Chii and Nishiki. Especially the snake, because for the most part the mouse is usually surprised/horrified. It appears that they, too, are aware of these characteristics, hence why Chii called him a reptile and views him as a snake (views herself and her family as mice), and Nishiki appears to see Chii as like a mouse (I don't know if he's aware of himself being snake-like.)

Considering the difference in classes, there may be some trouble afoot for the couple in the future, but I feel like they're going to be just fine.
