Can a novel reader give me all the spoilers they know? Like what will happens to aeroc and...

Techno-chan March 31, 2024 5:13 am

Can a novel reader give me all the spoilers they know? Like what will happens to aeroc and clough in the current world? I heard there world 3 where clough is the one who returns..what happens in that world? I would really appreciate if someone could take their time off to explain all this to me

    JustCallMeApple March 31, 2024 6:22 am

    Clough will find himself more obsessed with Aeroc. He will come to terms with his desire, after the breakup with Rapiel which is in the soiree event. Which is sad, because Aeroc held that expensive soiree for Clough’s proposal…

    He’ll find out Aeroc is an omega and basically uh coerces him into a relationship with him, because he figures out about the imprint. As the relationship progresses, Clough as person grows, he realizes that he needs to man-up if he wants this to work. Aeroc his omega has a lot of trauma. He wants to build a good support system for Aeroc.

    In the third world. Au Aeroc was attacked by Og Clough, who thought he was in hell, alternating events. Aeroc doesn’t fall in love, he instead becomes scared of the madman.

    Clough who was confused basically wanders the capital confused. Until he realizes that he went back in time. Seeing Aeroc doesn’t remember him. He establishes himself as a financial wizard, he goes to Wolflake first and slowly works himself into the other nobles. He knows Aeroc will have financial troubles, he just needs to wait. When this happens, he asks to have a relationship with Aeroc. Basically coercing him in this world again.

    So Clough gets to know Aeroc. He realizes that Aeroc was actually a good person, that the mess in world 1 was mostly his fault. He confronts Aeroc if he was going to hurt Rapiel. To which Aeroc answers “If you like Rapiel so much. You should have groveled at his feet instead of doing this to me. I’m not interested in a cruel, pervert…”

    It was such an epic confrontation. They still ended up together, because Aeroc falls in love with him. But the third life is more of a punishment arc than a love story, because Clough has to live with the knowledge that Og Aeroc just loved him, that he gave his children grief, that Rapiel found true love in this world (something he failed to do)

    LIGMA March 31, 2024 10:31 am
    Clough will find himself more obsessed with Aeroc. He will come to terms with his desire, after the breakup with Rapiel which is in the soiree event. Which is sad, because Aeroc held that expensive soiree for C... JustCallMeApple

    Wait I am confused can you separate this again something like this:

    First world:

    Second world:

    Third world:

    Pretty please ( ̄∇ ̄")

    JustCallMeApple March 31, 2024 11:24 am

    Sure hahaha.

    First world is season 1, basically it’s where all the bad shit happens, ultimately Aeroc dies and Clough lives a miserable life.

    So both original characters will be experiencing a return of their own and meet AU counterparts of their partners. The starting place is always the first meeting.

    Second world, is Aeroc’s return told in AU Clough’s pov. When Aeroc and Clough shakes hand, the imprint is immediately triggered. The imprint was established by Clough in world 1 (I’ll cover that in the next post.) So Au Clough couldn’t figure out why he’s growing more obsessed with Aeroc, he knows his attracted to him, but doesn’t want to acknowledge it. He forms a relationship with Rapiel who is basically a look alike of Aeroc, to stop this. But the imprint bothers him by giving him nightmares. So he doesn’t marry Rapiel immediately like in the first timeline, he instead buries himself with work. His meeting with Aeroc again triggers the imprint again making it worse. The nightmares, the uncontrollable violence and anger.

    After the breakup, which Clough causes. He pursues Aeroc, but was rejected. But he finds Aeroc in the bottom place and rescues him. Clough under the influence of the imprint, forces himself on Aeroc. He explains it like, if I can’t Aeroc I might just die. He was horrified after but when Aeroc didn’t reject him this time. He took it as a sign that they could be together (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    He finds out that Aeroc is an omega because of the heat suppressants. He coerces Aeroc to be his wife. Hugo had to tell him off, for him to realize that he was being selfish. The bridal training happens after this. Clough knew Aeroc liked him, so they talked about making a baby on his next heat. So that Aeroc will be his wife. When he sleeps with Aeroc, he dreams of the day Aeroc died in world 1, this opens a can of worms. Aeroc’s trauma shows itself, when Aeroc couldn’t differentiate dream from reality. So Clough realizes he needs to be a better support system to his anxious partner. He does have a character development. I won’t spoil the rest.. but Aeroc is slowly healing from things.

    Third World - Clough’s return told in Au Aeroc’s pov. Clough who sees Aeroc thinks that he’s a hell and screams at Aeroc about Rapiel jr and so on. So this scares Aeroc.

    Clough gets kick out of the estate. So he doesn’t meet the Viscount. He was wondering for months trying to figure things out. He knew Aeroc will be watching the concert, so he follows him, when Aeroc got in trouble he saves Aeroc. He realizes that Aeroc genuinely doesn’t remember him.

    He takes advantage of his knowledge to make a name for himself. Starting from Wolflake then to Viscount Derbyshire. He collected everyone close to Aeroc. Aeroc still didn’t want to hire him, but rumors that Aeroc hired Clough, so he couldn’t hire anyone. In the end Aeroc hirers him, at the price that Clough can pursue him.

    It’s like watching a train wreck. Aeroc slowly finds himself falling for Clough, but was keeping his distance because Clough keeps getting on his skin. They were already close, when they have a dinner with Viscount and rapiel was there.

    Clough was rude to Rapiel. After the dinner, everyone is mad at Clough. He confronts Aeroc that his jealous of Rapiel, which causes them to fight, Aeroc fires Clough.

    After this incident. Clough realizes that he was the problem, and that OG aeroc just loved him. He was acting like a puppy in front of Au Aeroc, he looked so guilty and acted docile.

    He didn’t want to do anything to Aeroc which makes the imprint worst that he almost kills Au Aeroc. And a lot more sad things happened. Clough who was being smothered by this peaceful new world decided to kill himself, so he can be with his Aeroc, but fails. He realizes that he can never be with Aeroc, so when he finds out Au Aeroc is in love with him, he immediately establishes something between them.

    The ending was sad because its his self reflection about world 1 and how he can never repair the hurt he’s left. He was hoping that by loving this Aeroc in front of him, he’ll see OG aeroc and be able to ask forgiveness.

    They had kids the same set as the one in world 2. They live happily but… honestly new kids won’t replace the old ones you hurt. It’s like hell but painted in bright colors.

    JustCallMeApple March 31, 2024 11:30 am

    That was long reply hahahahahaha. Now let me explain imprint.

    It’s something that affects an alpha only. It makes them violent, angry and obsessed. It’s the reason why Clough was so violent in world 1.

    It was established because of Clough’s obsession with Aeroc. He spent years in planning and executing his plan to bankrupt Aeroc who was as rich as the royal family. So he can isolate him… so he can turn him into an omega and impregnate him.

    I think from the beginning he knew that Aeroc was going to be an omega, thus the motivation.

    They aren’t fated mates. One was a dominant alpha who triggered something in Aeroc, that’s the theory. Because both meeting in both new worlds, triggers the imprint in Clough and the omega part in Aeroc. It was just faster in the w2 and w3

    Techno-chan March 31, 2024 12:20 pm
    Sure hahaha. First world is season 1, basically it’s where all the bad shit happens, ultimately Aeroc dies and Clough lives a miserable life. So both original characters will be experiencing a return of their... JustCallMeApple

    OMG thank you so much!! Reading your comment made me feel much better but clough really seems irredeemable tbh. After all, he still coerced aeroc in w2 and was a bitch to aeroc in w3. Honestly, clough should've suffered in hell in w3. He doesn't deserve aeroc in every world

    LIGMA March 31, 2024 12:30 pm
    That was long reply hahahahahaha. Now let me explain imprint. It’s something that affects an alpha only. It makes them violent, angry and obsessed. It’s the reason why Clough was so violent in world 1.It wa... JustCallMeApple

    Arigatou Gozaimasu Sensei (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    LIGMA March 31, 2024 12:30 pm
    That was long reply hahahahahaha. Now let me explain imprint. It’s something that affects an alpha only. It makes them violent, angry and obsessed. It’s the reason why Clough was so violent in world 1.It wa... JustCallMeApple

    I mean Apple Sensei (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    JustCallMeApple March 31, 2024 12:45 pm
    OMG thank you so much!! Reading your comment made me feel much better but clough really seems irredeemable tbh. After all, he still coerced aeroc in w2 and was a bitch to aeroc in w3. Honestly, clough should've... Techno-chan

    Yeah… he’s really irredeemable. I liked that Aeroc got to have kids, it’s just sad because it was a different set of kids. He was hoping to have 6 kids.

    You can feel the tension in the side stories because his kids could feel their mother was lonely when they go to see their friend Rapiel Derbyshire (son of Ariel Westport and Richard Derbyshire) Ariel is Rapiel’s younger brother and Richard is Aeroc’s childhood friend. So they avoid that house always.

    Aeroc was happy. He loves his kids. He’s healing and is being pampered by Clough, but it doesn’t take away the pain from w1. He sometimes actually gets lost between reality and dream. The only thing I respect about Au Clough is that he doesn’t ask about it, but instead tries to understand it. He works hard to be a support system. The ding for me is he should have made it clear to Aeroc that Rapiel is the substitute not Aeroc… because you can feel that he still sometimes feels the only reason Clough stayed was because of the imprint. He knows Clough loves him, but it’s like he has this insecurity about it ╥﹏╥

    W3 is fun to read.. seeing Clough cry was wow. But yeah, he was an asshole in that world. But he is in hell. In his own pov, he explains that I’m facing the same Aeroc, but it isn’t my Aeroc.

    Aeroc’s pride and arrogance was just parts of him, it wasn’t malicious, every bad thing I thought about him is due to my inferiority complex.

    He tried reflecting himself on Aeroc’s brilliance as a person, and it destroyed him. (Remember before he established a relationship with Rapiel. He said, no matter how much I tried I’ll never be able to reach him.) It connected how he felt about Aeroc.

    He was so blinded by his own arrogance and prejudice that he didn’t see OG Aeroc just loved him. And he’ll have to live with that…

    When he sees this beautiful Aeroc, it reminds him how he destroyed him. When he smiles and talks, he looks at him with fear. When eating dinner, how hungrily eats potatoes. It’s poison to Clough.

    To add insult. Rapiel was happy in this world. He found a better partner, something Clough failed to do for him.

    The new set of children he had with this Aeroc won’t let him forget the children he left behind who were longing for their mom. This could have been world 1, if not for his pride, arrogance and so on. It’s also hell… because he’ll never truly be happy

    Techno-chan March 31, 2024 12:59 pm
    Yeah… he’s really irredeemable. I liked that Aeroc got to have kids, it’s just sad because it was a different set of kids. He was hoping to have 6 kids.You can feel the tension in the side stories because... JustCallMeApple

    Tbh I really hoped that the author would just introduce a much better character than clough for aeroc. As you said, w2 aeroc still has that insecurities and he experienced hell in w1 and the source of that hell is literally right in front of his eyes(it is technically not the same person but you get the point). He'll never be "truly" happy with clough because he still remembers what he did to him. Staying with the person who ruined you....that seems like hell just a different type than what he experienced in w1.

    JustCallMeApple March 31, 2024 1:24 pm
    Tbh I really hoped that the author would just introduce a much better character than clough for aeroc. As you said, w2 aeroc still has that insecurities and he experienced hell in w1 and the source of that hell... Techno-chan

    You said it.. I was so frustrated with that I actually went ahead and wrote a fanfic just to just get Aeroc away from Clough. I haven’t written one in ages, but my frustration with Clough made me do it hahaha.

    I was wondering maybe world 1 wouldn’t have happened if someone saw the signs that Aeroc was being mocked and humiliated by Clough. If he had someone to talk to about it… it feels nice to slowly get Aeroc’s headspace away from Clough. Like dude you’re someone that everyone has a crush on… and we settled with Clough?There are more handsome and better alphas!

    Hahaha but going back. I think the author made this story, like the longing of two characters, but sadly it’s just Aeroc who is more in love, he got the short end of the stick. The If story… was sad. I didn’t mention it. But the author made a fanfiction of Aeroc surviving world 1, he gets to see the kids, he was so happy. I was happy. But when it got to the part with Clough. Everything that happened was just forgotten because Aeroc was still a sinner, Clough and Martha was really an asshole about it. I understand no one is going to be happy in world 1, but Aeroc suffered for so long, give the guy a break. He knows he’s done something wrong but do you guys have to keep using that as ammunition to put him down?

    They just did their best for the sake of the kids, because Wolflake was threatening the kids and revealing the truth. So, they had to work it out so the kids don’t find out the awful secret that happened… (Linus Wolflake is Rapiel’s husband in w2-w3. He missed the chance to court Rapiel, but he really loves Rapiel… He was the guy who helps Rapiel Jr get his information about Clough’s crime in the original timeline. I think he knew what was happening in the estate one of his subordinates was in the estate working for Clough, but unfortunately we will never know because it’s only available in printed copies as a bonus epilogue. You’ll enjoy ITRG for its small details…)

    It’s well-written and I understand why it went towards that direction but it was just so frustrating for Aeroc… they could have been more kinder after that hell he went through.