I agree. And I also hate the fact that Viola keep giving Robitcha leeway all the time. I am still salty about her saving Robitcha from the thugs she herself brought to hurt Viola. ATP the plot is needlessly dragged just to create drama. The lady committed les majesté and lied to the imperial family which amounts to treason and she is still frolicking around. With a royal to boot may I add.

YES. Like.....the bitch tried to literally get Viola assaulted and she's STILL walking around??? And she insulted the Royal Family, the Queen especially on said Queen's birthday, to which Robitchta was punished, but she didn't even finish!! She left after two seconds bc she was embarrassed and her pride and ego were hurt. I just...don't understand why she's still able to be free.
I dont have any hate for Kyle. I actually like him, but UGH. Viola is giving Robina too much attention right now. Kyle can hang out with whomever he chooses to, but if it's Robina, I would keep my distance from him when she's around. It was mad creepy (and honestly kinda felt weird and outta place) for both Kyle and Robina to make that "Oh shit, I'm caught" Face and then Robina grabbing Kyle's arm, before taking Viola's hands into hers as if they were besties again. And that whole "Water Works Victim" thing with the tears and right afterwards, a smirk....it's was just weird. Maybe we'll understand why she did all of that in the next chapter, but it just seemed out of place or all for naught.
To be polite, I would have greeted Kyle, and maybe Robina, and kept it pushing. No way in Hell am I asking why they are together and that whole "Fancy meeting you here." type of situation. It was almost as if Viola was playing right into the palms of their hands, making it look like she was upset that Kyle was there with Robina.
Ugh. I don't know. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but something is fishy and I don't like it.
Edit - April 6, 2024
Chapter 51 - I'm soooo glad Ivan let his feelings be known. First he put Robins in her place....or at least said enough to wipe that smirk off her face. And then right after, he let Viola have it too. I'm glad he communicated with her, instead of keeping it bottled up and there being a misunderstanding.