Hope there’s no romance

Hungry Asian March 30, 2024 5:43 am

Not a big fan of Katarina. Shameless and keeps complaining to the mc like she’s entitled to everything. Glad the music thing turned out but I just don’t like her character in the story. Everytime she appears in the chapter, it’s immediately my least favourite chapter

    Nizze May 9, 2024 8:12 pm

    I doubt there'll be romance... with the solitude god and all...
    I get what you mean but if you think about it Ait ain't buch different from that too. Part of it is prejudice because female character = love interest. And most authors puts them in ambiguous situations with mc even when they are "just friends".
    On the other side it's nice how mc have a big range of friends regardless of gender and status. I like how he balances his solo life with having friends and family. It's fantasy but kinda realistic in some ways...

    ₍υ•ﻌ•υ₎*・゚。 May 15, 2024 10:32 am

    I agree, I also like Katarina's character the least,
    But also like what Nizze said, I really like how the author is portraying a diverse range of types of friends and people he's meeting so I don't mind her character (but she does annoy me alot whenever she comes in LOL XDD)

    I think female character-wise my favorite would be Elese, the bartender. I enjoy her interraction with Zilk the most, so I'm excited to see more of her!

    I still stand my grounds that I want Zilk to stay as our single king
    But if he does ever end up with someone I would imagine the other person would be like how he describe: someone he would feel comfortable with,
    someone that can do their own things while he does his (they can just keep each other company in the same room but they don't have to interact or do stuff together together),
    and someone that doesn't make him feel restricted.
    A fellow quiet loner that also would get immerse into their own hobbies!
    Since there's a romance tag, maybe he will end up meeting someone like that, but I definitely can NOT see Katarina or the girl from the guild as his significant other. So far only Elese fits the most to his idea, but let's continue and see~

    I do have to say, some of the characters should jusst let our man live XDD
    He is rich, smart, can take care of himself, knows what he wants in life, and is living happily!
    If his fated one comes down the line then great! If not then it's still great! The man isn't going to loose anything from not having a significant other so leave it be instead of forcing it ╮(─▽─)╭
    He knows what he's doing!