
If any Chinese reader or expert on Chinese school matters can help me, we know that Jian Yi will be taken away by his father's men around the first days of the first year of high school and he will reappear when Zhan Zheng Xi is already at university /college (hopefully the first year and no more). Around the same time we know that He Tian will also reappear in front of Mo (Maybe he'll come back other times first? I hope). How long is this? Minimum 4 years? More than 4? What a pain ç_ç
"I might need to be absent for a few days" I don't know the Chinese school system well but, if I have done my calculations correctly, He Tian will return about 4 years later. ( As Jian Yi surely will ) I'm not ready. I never will be
p.s To avoid being accused again, THIS IS NOT A SPOILER because what we are reading now is a very long flashback, if you go back to the beginning of the Manhua you can find everything I wrote above. I edited by putting the ALERTs because now I'm starting to get traumatized every time I comment on 19 days. There are no spoilers for this Manhua because we are all at the same update point. If you think it is, I really recommend you to re-read the whole thing again because you are missing important pieces of the plot. Please, no more public and private accusations :(