
Bleurgh March 29, 2024 2:11 pm

Soo it's new that the uke admits to being raped cuz he was drunk but was the point in him admitting it if the author wasn't going to take it seriously, you might as well as just brushed it off as drunk sex where people don't care that they had sex while drunk, it probably wouldn't leave such a bitter taste in people's mouths, or just not have it AT ALL but I guess common sense isn't what the author was going for

    Tamest March 29, 2024 4:08 pm

    Bruh stf it's fictional story why you wanna take everything seriously do you take coming inside ass real thing? It leads to STDs as well

    Pwetmobulok March 29, 2024 4:30 pm

    Mate, oftentimes, fiction is called fiction and not non-fiction aight? Ya don't have to take everything as if it's happening in real life (obv don't do noncon sex irl)

    lightenJ March 29, 2024 4:33 pm

    not this shitty ranting again

    Bleurgh March 29, 2024 5:56 pm
    Bruh stf it's fictional story why you wanna take everything seriously do you take coming inside ass real thing? It leads to STDs as well Tamest

    Yes it's fiction, sometimes I don't like certain things, I just found it weird to make that did if this is just gonna be porn that's all

    Bleurgh March 29, 2024 5:59 pm
    not this shitty ranting again lightenJ

    If you mean the rape rant, that not the point I was trying to make, I have already accepted that it's common, I may not like it, but ain't no use beating a dead horse, just upset when it is said it brought up it leads to nothing, like bringing up that they live in a world with fairies and it has zero to do with the plot or what going on

    Bleurgh March 29, 2024 6:03 pm
    Mate, oftentimes, fiction is called fiction and not non-fiction aight? Ya don't have to take everything as if it's happening in real life (obv don't do noncon sex irl) Pwetmobulok

    I know it's not real life, I was simply describing a plot device that didn't make sense to me, that others may have seen, it's a story, yes, sometimes stories don't make sense or are bit liked, thats life

    Stranger March 29, 2024 6:38 pm

    I agree,it feels like the concept of consent and nonconsent exists in the fictional world the mangaka created, but the gravity, the consequence and aftermath don't!

    pat_bakar March 29, 2024 8:35 pm

    who let this high schooler read this ??

    Bleurgh March 30, 2024 3:46 am
    who let this high schooler read this ?? pat_bakar

    Hahaha definitely not a high schooler just an adult who reads manga

    Bleurgh April 10, 2024 7:57 pm
    I agree,it feels like the concept of consent and nonconsent exists in the fictional world the mangaka created, but the gravity, the consequence and aftermath don't! Stranger

    Exactly, it's like living in a world where serial killers exist but they don't got to jail or ever get caught, people on this thread think, the rape was the only problem for me, I am not someone who is new to manga that is very normal here, but it's very romantisced so it's easily digested, but here it's like the author forgot to romanticize it and just brushed past it, making it confusing as to why it was brought up in the first place, should have just been like the rest where it's not addressed as rape and just drunk sex or some other dumb ass shit, hahaha

    Stranger April 11, 2024 4:40 pm
    Exactly, it's like living in a world where serial killers exist but they don't got to jail or ever get caught, people on this thread think, the rape was the only problem for me, I am not someone who is new to m... Bleurgh

    True.I wonder if the people commenting things like 'it's a fictional world ' would comment the same if the rapist were not good looking.Pretty privilege plays a big role here!

    Tamest April 14, 2024 2:14 pm
    I agree,it feels like the concept of consent and nonconsent exists in the fictional world the mangaka created, but the gravity, the consequence and aftermath don't! Stranger

    Then write this in seinen stories who do same to women and girl in stories you complaint in yaoi like you will get butterflies it's written by women for women if you are gay better don't even think of reading yaoi at all men enjoy fetishing woman body and then women do same you come with your flag of consent and reality

    Stranger April 15, 2024 8:30 pm
    Then write this in seinen stories who do same to women and girl in stories you complaint in yaoi like you will get butterflies it's written by women for women if you are gay better don't even think of reading y... Tamest

    First of all,I am a girl,and I don't enjoy fetishing on any gender's body,also if I read seinen(which I don't generally read) with the same plot(rape,sa),I will surely write the same thing and drop it and move on.Again,if you enjoy such thing,be my guest,there's no need to convince others who are uncomfortable with the plot.
    The comment was written after I read the 1st chapter,I dropped it after that.So I have not written any other comment complaing about it or anything.If my previous comment is bothering you so much( I don't understand why tho,I just commented on the author's interesting choice !)you do know that you can mute this thread right?!