uh oh…

kou March 29, 2024 1:39 pm

I think it’s the time where he tian is leaving…. This was mentioned in the earlier chapters…

    Floring March 29, 2024 7:33 pm

    If He Tian will return for the first time when Jian Yi will also reappear (he will soon be taken away by his father's men) it could be almost 4 years. When Jian Yi will be take away, all of them were starting their first year of high school. When Jian Yi will reappear, Zhan Zheng Xi will already be at university/college. Maybe in between He Tian will come back (from USA I suppose) sometime but I highly doubt it. This will be so very painful ç_ç

    ps Sorry for my confusing tenses but the timeline of this story is so hard to describe and I'm not a native English speaker