C section

Elle Aline March 29, 2024 10:26 am

Am I the only one who felt a little icky with how birth was treated? Like having c-sections is great and incredibly important but it's not..... it's not better than vaginal birth.
I mean I don't want to reprimand anyone for their birthing choices, it's always a personal choice. However it comes with a lot of problems and if you ask me it's not something you should plan on getting unless you have medical reasons that make vaginal birth risky. Propagating it here like that??? Sooo weird

    tess April 8, 2024 7:28 pm

    I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. It seems like you're saying vaginal birth is better. You do know, death rate during vaginal birth is multiple times more than during C section. That is the reason why doctors throughout history researched for a substitute of vaginal birth. Heck even cutting a woman using saw was deemed better. If you were lucky and had vaginal birth for all your children, good on you. But you don't have the right state vaginal birth as a superior method. It's almost like - women having different body types than you is a new concept :)

    Elle Aline April 8, 2024 7:40 pm
    I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. It seems like you're saying vaginal birth is better. You do know, death rate during vaginal birth is multiple times more than during C section. That is the reason wh... tess

    I'm not saying it's better, I'm saying that c sections are not better.
    If you have sources for what you're saying, please cite them because i have never heard of what you said... it being better to cut a woman with a saw.
    C section was not searched for as an alternative for vaginal birth but for babies being born with the feet forward and such cases. A c section is a major surgery and takes a long time to heal. It's not better than vaginal birth.
    Both have pros and cons but propagating c sections as the only and better option in a historical fantasy seems hella weird to me.
    Again, I'm not saying any of them is superior. Birthing is a personal thing and everyone should do it how they want.
    But i don't want this achieved by discouraging afab from trusting in their bodily capabilities. We are naturally capable of birthing vaginally. There are people that have medical conditions that make it hard or even impossibile and those absolutely can get a c section. Even if you want to do it solely out of comfort, fine. No issue at all.

    tess April 8, 2024 8:18 pm
    I'm not saying it's better, I'm saying that c sections are not better.If you have sources for what you're saying, please cite them because i have never heard of what you said... it being better to cut a woman w... Elle Aline

    obviously no one should use saw for birthing- did you even read what I wrote? I said throughout history- research was done on substitute methods. One of the older version was using saw.
    And you can read papers on it- History of C section- part one- 1700 AC.

    Your look on C section is extremely crude regardless.

    Elle Aline April 8, 2024 8:35 pm
    obviously no one should use saw for birthing- did you even read what I wrote? I said throughout history- research was done on substitute methods. One of the older version was using saw. And you can read papers ... tess

    I'm pretty sure c sections were being performed for much longer than that.
    I have said nothing but good words on c sections, if that's crude for you i don't know how to help you

    BORED April 19, 2024 8:20 am

    It's quite unnerving to see a comment like this. You are insinuating that vaginal birth is better than c section which is not true at all. Both are different for different ppl. Also birthing a child with fire ability is certainly not easy as Ishid's mother also died due to that. I don't think one manhwa using c section should be such a big deal when thousand other manhwas use vaginal delivery. It's lame to even call it icky just for that.

    Elle Aline April 19, 2024 10:52 am
    It's quite unnerving to see a comment like this. You are insinuating that vaginal birth is better than c section which is not true at all. Both are different for different ppl. Also birthing a child with fire a... BORED

    I did not insinuate that but okay

    Alittlebl45 April 21, 2024 6:45 pm
    I did not insinuate that but okay Elle Aline

    You did... You basically said it just like that

    Elle Aline April 21, 2024 6:57 pm

    "having c-sections is great and incredibly important but it's not..... it's not better than vaginal birth."
    Saying that c-sections are not better does not automatically make me say that vaginal birth are better.
    "However it comes with a lot of problems"
    This is my main point. A c-section is a major surgery and healing time is LONGER than for vaginal surgery. It also can create difficulties for the mother or child (vaginally birth can do that too, just other things).
    The last part is my personal opinion bc I prefer going the "easy" route and not changing things unless necessary.
    But: "it's always a personal choice".

    I think it's weird to show it here as if it was the only safe choice for Yunifer without properly explaining it. Like even her saying that she is scared of birth, that her mother died or whatever, I don't care. Just giving a reason why she would risk it.
    Instead it's just Ishid saying he's scared like????

    Elle Aline April 21, 2024 6:58 pm
    You did... You basically said it just like that Alittlebl45

    "having c-sections is great and incredibly important but it's not..... it's not better than vaginal birth."
    Saying that c-sections are not better does not automatically make me say that vaginal birth are better.
    "However it comes with a lot of problems"
    This is my main point. A c-section is a major surgery and healing time is LONGER than for vaginal surgery. It also can create difficulties for the mother or child (vaginally birth can do that too, just other things).
    The last part is my personal opinion bc I prefer going the "easy" route and not changing things unless necessary.
    But: "it's always a personal choice".

    I think it's weird to show it here as if it was the only safe choice for Yunifer without properly explaining it. Like even her saying that she is scared of birth, that her mother died or whatever, I don't care. Just giving a reason why she would risk it.
    Instead it's just Ishid saying he's scared like????

    Alittlebl45 April 21, 2024 8:33 pm
    "having c-sections is great and incredibly important but it's not..... it's not better than vaginal birth."Saying that c-sections are not better does not automatically make me say that vaginal birth are better.... Elle Aline

    Ig I didn't really read the story I was going to but the comments said it was trash so I really didn't read it

    Elle Aline April 21, 2024 8:43 pm
    Ig I didn't really read the story I was going to but the comments said it was trash so I really didn't read it Alittlebl45

    It's worth a read. Not really serious but wholesome. Decent.

    Alittlebl45 April 22, 2024 3:36 am
    It's worth a read. Not really serious but wholesome. Decent. Elle Aline


    Lor May 29, 2024 2:00 am

    No cause I agree, c sections are not in any way better than natural birth and anyone who says otherwise can argue with a fucking wall. Unless absolutely necessary there is no way in hell I’d want a c section also I’m pretty sure you can’t choose to have a c section, at least in my country it’s called an EMERGENCY c section, for emergencies onlyyyyy

    Elle ne parle pas francais May 29, 2024 5:38 am
    No cause I agree, c sections are not in any way better than natural birth and anyone who says otherwise can argue with a fucking wall. Unless absolutely necessary there is no way in hell I’d want a c section ... Lor

    It's def possibile to have a planned c section.
    I personally wouldn't want it unless necessary but i know some people are safer if they plan one from the get go. And people who do it out of comfort... l think it's a bad choice but it's theirs to make

    Lor May 29, 2024 1:36 pm
    It's def possibile to have a planned c section.I personally wouldn't want it unless necessary but i know some people are safer if they plan one from the get go. And people who do it out of comfort... l think it... Elle ne parle pas francais

    fairrr a quick google search would’ve helped me out on that one lmaooooo