I found it translated there and just read it on an ad blocking browser so there wouldn't be any ads. Hope it helps
What’s more frustrating than reading a bad webtoon? Reading a good webtoon only to find a whole chapter isn’t even translated. Chapter 14 is untranslated and I was unable to find it translated anywhere else, tbh I wouldn’t have started reading had I known.
I went to the scanlation site (like manga) like is written in previous posts to try to find chapter 14, that’s a waste of time - you don’t get a translation and your attacked with ads and pop ups. It’s almost like likemanga purposely did this and said to go to their site to get the translation so they could get more site visitors and their not fixing the problem only so no one else can then fix it. Now I know to be wary of, and avoid this site - it explains why helvetica kept replying so conscientiously to every chap 14 complaint with an overall vagueness, but there is no reply from those who posted the comment. So I then tried kaiscans, the original uploaders before likemanga, only to get a bad gateway notice. And I’m not planning to keep checking which is likely counted upon if my suspicions are correct - hense the vagueness in scanlation when likemanga doesn’t work claim you didn’t mean that one, knowing full well kaiscans won’t work, but still get the visits to your site nonetheless.
Of course this is all just my suspicions based on the evidence, the fact that I hate manipulation and the fact that I’m majorly pissed off.