Imo...at the moment it seems more like MC is less interested in being personally involved in romance themselves not just BL, and would rather just be a 3rd person viewer? Even if that changes later, that's how s(he) seems to feel right now.
We dunno how long s(he's) been conscious in that body, or which consciousness takes precedence. Personally, if I suddenly woke up in the body of a character of a manga I read, and I've only been living in the world for a short while, I think it'd be difficult for me to immediately start seeing everyone as anything but fictional; especially if they behave like archetypical tropes and cliches.
But this series is mostly a comedy so I don't think it's ever going to get that deep, lol.

given the montage in somewhere among the chapters of his older brother taking care of him ie. him saying his older brother has >always been< a friend, a brother, and a parental figure at the same time (mc couldnt have said that if he/she didnt play season 2), and chp 1, i assumed he's been there on that world and with them (specifically his older brother, his lover, and that lover's sister) since birth. like, he/she was legit reborn. its just that one day, he started getting flashbacks of the game from his past life, and apparently that was enough to just reduce everyone to mere game characters, even for his brother and the childhood friends. i would understand if mc felt that way to the
other characters he just met, but ppl he's been around his whole life? its kind of hard for me to explain haha, but that is why i said mc was being slightly homophobic and such, although i understand that he/she didnt wanna be personally involved with the romance. it just felt like he/she accepted the relationship of his/her older brother bc that was how in the game, and the game being BL that entertains him/her, then the couple is nothing but entertainment to him/her. does that make sense? im sorry if it doesnt T-T. and honestly, though i brought up the "seeing them as just game characters" part, im actually also torn bc the characters ARE acting like game characters.
i agree tho that as this is comedy, its not going to go that deep. but dang, i see a new potential for this kind of story, which makes me hungry for a more deep, realistic take on it haha.

Ah, no, I totally understood it as a rebirth and that MC has been there since birth, which is why I wrote "which consciousness takes precedence". Since, in other isekai stories, when the past "you" overtakes the "current you", sometimes your previous personality gets overwritten entirely; and they didn't really seem to delve deeply into that. For some migrators, it's just flashbacks, for others, their previous personality basically dominates; and that's kind of how this (appears) to me. But it's really debatable.
I appreciate your long and respectable response though, it's very intriguing. On the flip side, while I think it would be very interesting had this story gone a deeper more rationale route, I don't think it could work with the set up given that they are trying to actually explore character tropes. Being silly works more to its favour.
just discovered this today. pretty cute and great story, and i love how the everyone loves the main character trope is executed. there are a few shoujo isekais i read who do that trope but i just end up cringing (i hope shoujo manhwa isekai writers can take note how its done here sksk). but also, let's not forget that mc is kinda, slightly being homophobic. like tf u mean bl is for watching? thats real life for u now boi/gurly, so now it's for experiencing. not like mc can go back to his past life either. its a bit disappointing that he still sees the other characters as game characters when he's living with them now, especially w that montage of his brother taking care of him and stuff. but overall a great read.