The story towards the end's a bit rushed for me. They introduce Calion like some big-shot ...

friesisgoodwithsalt March 28, 2024 4:45 pm

The story towards the end's a bit rushed for me. They introduce Calion like some big-shot villain, and then when they start plotting things, it gets rushed.

    PatrickStar March 28, 2024 7:13 pm

    Definitely agree. So much of the political maneuvering was in the last 20 chapters. Things were happening constantly.

    The stuff with Calion (and his timely demise), the second prince and the background of the monarch were literally a few panels long. There was so much info and world building which I love and look for in every work I read but it felt like too much to tell in too little time.

    mitigates March 31, 2024 2:52 am

    yeah him getting offscreened was really lame