Choi MinJun: he's playful in a shady way but runs away when shit hits the fan. his current target is siwon but can't do anything because of siwoon. still, because of siwon-siwoon, he thinks this game is more fun. due to siwoon's tape request, he has been doing conducting shadowy deals. the guy gives him the CD and asks why are you interested? the guy then also asks, are you gay too? you want to try it? hehe.
Lee Hoon: lee hoon is quiet and expressionless. his only interest is choi minjun. whenever minjun is in trouble, lee hoon protects him and cleans up the mess. he seems to have a thing for minjun.
An JaeSeo: he's the bully. he's not handsome, his personality is shit, and so are his grades. he always had a dream about wanting to be a strong, tough, manly person (think martial artist or super hero). hence, he became a bully. ever since he had his ass beat down by siwon, he falls for siwon even saying "Wow so handsome!"
What if Taemin never died: the year ended and taemin has received his salary. he wants to treat min woojin to a nice meal. woojin says no because he knows taemin is poor and offers to treat him instead. taemin says not to treat him like a beggar. these opportunities don't come by often so when i treat you, you should say, "thank you hyung" and eat like a good boy. taemin then says, "what? hyung is very happy"
Thank you it helps a lot :)
If you're curious about Chp. 25, read this.
hey remember that time when the translator asked all of us not to put spoilers on the topic board
well ok 1. i was just suggesting that maybe - maybe - you should be a bit more respectful to the translator and 2. even if you didn't click on your comment the first part was clearly visible and 3. spoilers on a public community does violate lezhin's policies
also can i just add that you being on this site is illegal in itself, criminal
Wouldn't that also make you a criminal? I mean this whole site has licensed manga.This site isn't legal. Also there is no law that a person can't take their own time in translating a damn chapter and posting it in the comments. I don't know the specifics but this isn't lezhin's website. As far as we know, this person didn't take another person's translation and put it on the damn site. Honestly I don't understand the problem, they aren't saying that this is the chapter and that the translator can't put their own chapter. They received the raws (by purchasing it or whatever) and translated it like basically every manga here.It's not like they uploaded it. It's up to the people, whether or not they open and read the spoilers.And there a BUNCH of spoilers on here and that is inevitable.
i don't think you get my argument? i never said that i wasn't a criminal either. this guy was tryna be all righteous and i just pointed out what he's doing is fuckin illegal activity what!!!!!!! ikr crazy anyway what MY FUCKING ARGUMENT IS IF YOU CAN ACTUALLY READ ENGLISH is that maybe? maybe this person can be a bit more RESPECTFUL!!! to the translator ESPECIALLY SINCE SHE REPEATEDLY ASKS US NOT TO POST FUCKING SPOILERS because! ! ! ! she wants! ! ! ! to encourage! ! ! ! people!! ! !to buy the chapters with their own money!! ! !! and yes lezhin does prohibit sharing contents of the comics that they host!!!! wow amazing never knew that did you???? ? ? ?
Wow, you have the argument skills of a 12-year old. You definitely need help with your anger issues since you need to curse and be rude to other people over this small matter. Spoilers are going to happen. Sorry! That's a big part of the internet. Also, based on your argument, I can write and read in English better than you can lol. For all we know, this person did purchase the chapter and did a quick translation. Every person that translates a licensed manga and uploads it hurts the author/company. Of course, some wait a few days/weeks/months to translate it so people can buy it first. If a person reads the free translation, odds are that they were not going to buy it in the first place. Or if they really like it, they will buy it. So again, for all we know this person already purchased it and decided to translate one chapter. It's not like they're going around translating every chapter or charging people to read it. They didn't upload it. They merely placed it in the comments on a word document. See how clear my argument was and how I did not curse at you and was level-headed. :) Also, next time, say it more nicely and directly if you have a problem. Okay, thanks!
Thank you- spoiler
When Siwon said you win it means he conceided he's Taemin ?
nah it means he is willin to play this game of catch the rat with siwoon not tht he admits he is taemin tho i wish he did :D
Found this 6-paged raw and OMG there is so much shipping between various characters.