… isn’t inferna a dragon? While blonde bitch is a drugged assed human? FIGHT! Holy shit fight him off and leave him to stew in his self inflicted misery! And the fact that once it was said and done he took on the blame as though HE was the one that did the raping and marking? Babes just leave, go be happy elsewhere. Your loyalty and protection are better spent elsewhere, they’re obviously not being appreciated here.
He's using magic some High level Shit . Plus his dominant pheromones. Also even after all this dragon can't bring himself to hurt him . So yeah, can't blame him.
He's using magic some High level Shit . Plus his dominant pheromones. Also even after all this dragon can't bring himself to hurt him . So yeah, can't blame him. OopsieDaisy
Does that mean that the drago isn't an alpha.... Amator
No , he's an alpha. But it's just that limón is a good magician. He used some binding spells last chapter. I guess he's dominant Alpha too . That's why he was able to subdue dragon.
No , he's an alpha. But it's just that limón is a good magician. He used some binding spells last chapter. I guess he's dominant Alpha too . That's why he was able to subdue dragon. OopsieDaisy
… isn’t inferna a dragon? While blonde bitch is a drugged assed human? FIGHT! Holy shit fight him off and leave him to stew in his self inflicted misery! And the fact that once it was said and done he took on the blame as though HE was the one that did the raping and marking? Babes just leave, go be happy elsewhere. Your loyalty and protection are better spent elsewhere, they’re obviously not being appreciated here.