
Lost Xyle March 28, 2024 11:35 am

This had so much potential but it was ruined the moment he went back to the city. We don’t even see him use his original powers which was such a great opportunity to make it interesting. It’s annoying already that he is in situations that’s “oh I can’t help it if there’s already people who are stronger than me let’s just submit till I’m stronger” then never goes back to it and suddenly goes to the next arc???? Also, are we just supposed to ignore his mother existence? He’s going on and on about family and his mother is important but he hasn’t visited her or protected her ever since he got powers. Not to mention now he’s just getting more powerful without reason? It’s crazy how he’s just getting power and no explanation but is just bestowed on him and he’s like “oh ok. I don’t need to figure out what this power is. Make me stronk” . And then to top it off he’s just getting multiple wives and killing people (his half brother) without a care in the world. What happened to actual emotions??? He’s just all “me power me strong”.

It’s like the most frustrating plot in the first half and then the author decided to flip it upside down and just give him all the powers he can imagine. Dragon! Beast! Sword! Medicine! Plants! Water! Fire! Goblin wife! Some warrior experience that makes him confident?

I don’t even understand how he can take what he wants and make promises to people he deems are “good people” and move onto the next plot hole and we are supposed to forget everything? WHAT IS STORY ABOUT NOW? DRAGON KING OR DRUG ABUSER WTF OR DADDY ISSUES CHOOSE ONE DAMN IT YOURE HURTING MY BRAIN.

In the first place I was just gonna say this had potential and it’s unfortunate that it didn’t live up to it but as I was writing this post I started to get more heated and thought what even is this story? I wish I can go back to how I felt about ch 0 and forget all the chapters that came after it cause it was such a disappointment.

    Yel June 10, 2024 3:43 pm

    Are we twins? HAHAHAHA you've said it all and I'm with you. Seriously (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 all those story jumps in every chapter