
I think the same. They are already trash for how they treated Ashtart.
If they turned their back on a "child" brought to "life" from their father and whom they loved all their lives, they would be the most disgusting things ever! It would mean that they truly believed and followed the known prophecy even though they said their stance was against it.
You know what? I’m happy the brothers couldn’t condemn their fake sister. I’m happy that the years of growing up together didn’t mean nothing. I’m happy that their love wasn’t conditional on Amaryllis being the child of light, because it means their love for Ashtarte isn’t conditional on her being the child of light either.
Yes they messed up. Yes they don’t deserve Ashtarte’s forgiveness. Yes it’s not a satisfying end. But they had real love for a monster in human skin, and I think that counts for something.