Guy pls read this on WEBTOON

MonaLisa March 28, 2024 2:38 am

This is completely FREE on webtoon. Title “For My Derelict Favorite”. Also make sure to “subscribe!” to her to show her support for giving us such a beautiful manhwa! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    TwistedCupid March 28, 2024 3:58 am

    I'm not a fan of the brunette lady. The reason I don't make comments over at webtoon is because, people are censored there very heavily while here you can express your opinion and have an honest reaction back from everyone else. But honestly? I'm not a fan of her. I get why the Princess Bubblegum is trying to show the aristocrats, that they have to be more practical when it comes to having these lavish feasts because there is an issue with classism

    Sobbingcyringspitting March 28, 2024 4:19 am
    I'm not a fan of the brunette lady. The reason I don't make comments over at webtoon is because, people are censored there very heavily while here you can express your opinion and have an honest reaction back f... TwistedCupid

    Oooohh you made such an interesting point here im trying to think of why exactly i dont like bubblegum now if i were to remove brunettes pov/opinions completely

    Phime March 28, 2024 4:35 am
    I'm not a fan of the brunette lady. The reason I don't make comments over at webtoon is because, people are censored there very heavily while here you can express your opinion and have an honest reaction back f... TwistedCupid

    Absolutely, but the mc is saying that there is a time, place, and manner in which that should be done. When people come to a palace, and are used to lavish meals, giving them aperitifs will not go over well. Especially since everything around them looked so lavish. What she should have done, like mc said at the tea party, was maybe bring in common folk chefs to create and make the dish. Use less than perfect looking produce that still tasted amazing and have that explained to the nobility, or perhaps use ingredients not commonly eaten by the higher classes, but that are delicious, like lobster used to be, but put it in something so when the nobles date it and inevitably asked what it was, you could talk about the fact that although prepared in s manner for for nobility, the food is actually humble in nature.

    Basically there's a time and place and the princess is just not very good at her princess duties and so stubborn that she's making the entire assistant look bad. If she was sweet and kind about it all, sure. Then she could step down from these duties and let someone more qualified take her place but she refuses and it's frustrating everyone who knows her as well as upsetting the neighboring nobility.

    It's like going into a classroom and bringing new toys, but they're all figures of their own deity and they keep shoving their religion down the kids throats. It's like religious fundamentalists who peach Jesus at everyone and hold signs during a pride parade that say things like “Jesus hates the LGBTQIA+” community. Sure, they're trying to spread a message they believe in but it's rude to do so in that way during that event and they are totally missing the point that Jesus was apparently said to love everyone. That's what the princess is doing here because it also mentioned that she doesn't even seem to truly understand her god's message anymore, which I think was foreshadowing for why she will lose her powers.

    Anyway, your untitled to your opinion, I'm just explaining why the mc is acting the way she is. Have a great rest of your day :)

    Annie March 28, 2024 4:37 am
    I'm not a fan of the brunette lady. The reason I don't make comments over at webtoon is because, people are censored there very heavily while here you can express your opinion and have an honest reaction back f... TwistedCupid

    While I do agree that it's important to keep the nobles from being too gaudy, I think the problem with Diana is the way she's doing it. Instead of even attempting to properly introduce ideas to the nobility, she's inserting her ideas into every interaction she has with them (cheaper tea, cheaper cakes) and is then attempting to shame them for being so gaudy. It's hypocritical too, because she herself benefits from luxury goods while shaming others for using them. Like the scene where Hestia used the crushed shells on her dress to make to glitter, Diana tried to call her greedy when she herself was a wearing a dress made of super high quality fabric that most commoners wouldn't even dream of being able to afford.

    So, while the question of the nobles needing to be taught that money isn't everything is important, the way that Diana is doing it is very demeaning and hypocritical. Instead of getting creative and showing how cheaper goods or things made by commoners can be really cool without needing to be worth a ton of money (like Hestia's dress or desserts made with common ingredients but decorated in really cool fashions), Diana Instead used her power to shame anyone that doesn't agree with her. She even thinks that Hestia is a greedy money grabber who only married Kael for his money because she was a commoner, and even as a commoner herself hated that other commoners could ever rise in power if it wasn't within her standard of "moral".

    I also don't like how she just throws away Helios the minute he shows doubt in morals, like I understand that can be a serious argument but she just wants a man that won't question literally anything she does, even if what she does is wrong

    TwistedCupid March 28, 2024 9:53 am
    Absolutely, but the mc is saying that there is a time, place, and manner in which that should be done. When people come to a palace, and are used to lavish meals, giving them aperitifs will not go over well. Es... Phime

    Okay you make a great point because, that is true that is so true. There's a time and place for everything but her message isn't wrong either. I mean like look at the British royal family, look at the food lines that nurses and doctors are taking because they can't afford living expenses because the prices of everything had gone up since covid. Yet you have the royal family walking around eating caviar and wearing clothes that could pay off a family of five all their bills for years. It's like there is a time and place, but when times are hard, you shouldn't like flaunt your wealth especially if it's based on the taxes from the poor and middle class.

    TwistedCupid March 28, 2024 9:58 am
    While I do agree that it's important to keep the nobles from being too gaudy, I think the problem with Diana is the way she's doing it. Instead of even attempting to properly introduce ideas to the nobility, sh... Annie

    You make an awesome point but I think that what the princess bubble gum, that everything that they're enjoying is based on the taxes of the middle class and the poor. And these Aristocrats are like expecting a big lavish meal but, Generations why would these Aristocrats enjoy a big lavish meal when there are still their own people being deprived of a basic meal for at least once a day? And if somebody who is poor is rising from the ranks, but doing it in an immoral or let's just say, doing it through a way that exploits others, let's just say for example, a poor person became Rich by painting girls are selling drugs, then yeah, I can understand Princess Bubblegum's point. You shouldn't become rich by hurting other people. Or supporting bad habits like drug or gambling habits. I don't understand why the brunette lady is so hating on princess bubblegum, because obviously the guy with the long white hair, his real problem, and let's all face it it wasn't because of Princess bubblegum, the guy is depressed, he needs counseling and mental support and therapy and somebody that's willing to talk to him. The dude had suicidal ideation. That's not something that goes away just because he says oh I like this lady instead. That means that dude needs deep therapy and counseling. He has attempted to try to hurt himself several times. I just think that the brunette lady is an absolute mess and I think that the writer should really get an idea that, you shouldn't leave somebody alone if they've tried to harm themselves several times and what's better than revenge is therapy

    Phime March 29, 2024 2:27 am
    Okay you make a great point because, that is true that is so true. There's a time and place for everything but her message isn't wrong either. I mean like look at the British royal family, look at the food line... TwistedCupid

    I don't disagree, but in that case, if I were princess, I'd work on the inside. My parties would still be in good taste, just at a cheaper price. When dealing with this kind of thing, you start from the inside out. The palace is still a beautiful place and the table settings, flower arrangements, attendants, art, etc. all of this is lavish. It was all there. She's not giving up her stuff. Again the tea party comes to mind, when they were talking about clothing:

    Hestia paid a common tailor a good price for her dress. She found ways to make the dress more affordable without making it look cheap. It may need more explanation but she's the princess, if anything, it would be a good thing to prepare things to discuss ahead of time and things like that are built in conversation starters. So back to the dress thing. By getting an old dress tailored, Hestia is begin ecologically, economically, and fiscally friendly with that action. She's saving money, so that's more that could go to the people who need it were she princess/Queen. She's using it as an opportunity to give people in her kingdom jobs they wouldn't otherwise have so that's already two or more people she's helping, the person she employed (and their family) and the at least one person she helped with the money she saved the royal bank account. The biggest impact though is environmentally though. By not buying a new more expensive dress, she's saving it from going into the landfill, she's saving the toxins from the dyes going into the lungs and skin of workers, she's saving the germs from being mobbed, which is an extremely ecologically expensive industry by using shells instead, those which can be washed onto the shore. It may not seem like one dress will make a difference but by showing off this new potential trend, if it catches on that's basically the introduction to reusing, the absolute best kind of recycling there is.

    On top of all of this, she looked even more elegant than the princess herself, and her dress likely even cost less than what the princess spent anyway.

    Basically, there's a difference between being fiscally responsible and being cheap.

    Phime March 29, 2024 6:40 am
    Okay you make a great point because, that is true that is so true. There's a time and place for everything but her message isn't wrong either. I mean like look at the British royal family, look at the food line... TwistedCupid

    Oh! I just thought of this and wanted to add:

    So you know, I'm not trying to stand up for the morbidly wealthy. I'm an easy the rich kinda gal. I just do like Hestia the majority of the time and do feel like bubblegum is doing everything for more selfish reasons. If it helped the poor regardless of her reasons I would absolutely agree with you. It doesn't though. She's only looking down on an entire class of people without actually affecting any kind of change other than getting everyone to feel disdain toward her. If your methods are ineffective, no matter how stubborn you are nor how good you believe your message to be, you'll only get people to think poorly of you. She doesn't come across as someone who cares and wants change; she comes across as someone who judges all of the people she is supposed to be making a good impression on and believing herself to be better than them. All we've seen so far was her making other people eat little when they spent a lot of money on their outfits and transportation and such just to be there, spend the King's money on things she decided without talking to him or his son about...etc. has she spent any of her own money? Has she put herself out at all? Those dignitaries came a long way, likely hadn't eaten in awhile, and she probably had a somewhat large breakfast for all we know, being that she alone knew was way going to be served.

    My point is, she seems to put everyone else out to make a point but what has she truly sacrificed? She got the man of her dreams, who's also a freaking prince, she had the backing of the Holy Temple and in a world of ordinary people, she alone has magic.

    The biggest reason I'm saying all this though is that I'm nearly certain that we'll come to find out what caused her to lose her powers, and something tells me it's greed related. She portrays herself as an innocent fair maiden who just wants the class to be equal but she's spent three whole time bringing the rich down when what she should have been doing is elevating the poor.
    After all, that's what Hess did by giving her own people access to soap. Her motive was kinda terrible, but it still did more for them than anything Diana has even attempted to achieve. I also think Hestia was trying to help the people of her little community, not just stick it to the royalty.

    NOT TO FREAKING MENTION DIANA starts to see her relationship go even a little south and her first reaction, when unable to convince the prince that she is right without even trying to listen to his side, is to not only cheat on him with Cael, and ruin her own marriage, but take Hestia's husband from her... AND COMPLETELY DISREGARD WHAT HER ACTIONS, OVER A SITUATION *SHE* CREATED MIGHT I ADD, DID TO CAEL IN THE FIRST FRICKEN PLACE!

    She full on drove Cael to suicide MULTIPLE times because of how she hung him out to dry after begging him to take action knowing full well it would push her closer to his rival in love, full on disowning him completely for having done so. She has the audacity to want him, regardless of the fact that Hestia avoided even alluding to her name because doing so could cause Cael to enter a social appeal he could ask to easily not live through. Did she care? Did she stop to think for even a second about not even what Cael might want, but what he could even mentally handle? Nope. Princey-poo made her big sad so she went crying to the person she had so grossly used in the past to try to manipulate him into being her rebound.

    Sorry, this wasn't supposed to get into it again lol, I just really REALLY don't like the princess. The Prince is only marginally better in my eyes because I feel she manipulated him too to an extent, but his face has egg on it too. To fall for the girl his best friend loved, AGAIN despite it nearly taking everything from that friend the first time... You know what, no. They DID take everything from Cael. Hess may have saved him this time around, but everything WAS taken from Carl the first time, they even inadvertantly killed Hess before she went back in time by allowing the grossly corrupt temple to become what it had, no longer helping. Actually that's another good point. Everything Diana does is for the temple or her god right? But at the end of Hestia's life the first time, she went insane. She went to the temple to get help but by then the temple (where Diana had RETURNED because she and Princey-poo got divorced) only treated nobles anymore, and Hess was cast away time and time again. Iirc she died on the church's front steps. The temple that Diana lived so much and does everything for. They refused to see a dying madwoman because she ran out of money.

    Sorry you get the brunt of this. I really have no hard feelings and I'm actually quite enjoying our conversation. Let me know if you're not into it and I promise to leave you alone. Hope you have a great day