I was excited to see a sports webtoon with game setting abilities but the MC is just not a...

Myllie1 April 4, 2024 7:24 pm

I was excited to see a sports webtoon with game setting abilities but the MC is just not attractive at all (I'm talking personality, not appearance) besides, the system of him stealing abilities with no real effort is very specially. Like he takes character A talent then character B talent and with those combined he is now better than both A and B and that just doesn't feel right, it's quite angering.
It feels like watching someone selling a product for a few cents more than it should be sold, "oh but the people don't rly care, it's like 3 cents" yeah, but if I buy this twice a day (let's say it's food/water) it amounts to almost 50 cents a week, 2 dollars a month, it sounds little to some, but that person is selling to a bunch of people every hour, let's say they sell to 50 people, that's 21 bucks in a week, over 80$ in a month, how could you not get mad?
And then in the case of the MC is even worse, is like he's selling something that wasn't his and the buyers are not receiving any product, just giving him the money for free.
And he isn't even nice about it, he doesn't even feel grateful to those people. He's just very unlikable.
