respectfully please just drop it

yoonso March 27, 2024 10:44 am

respectfully please just drop it

    yoonso March 27, 2024 10:56 am

    to be fair you deserve the most amount of time to rest & i wish you the easiest recovery however if you’re willing to drop it chance is another translation team would pick this up? then we can have both updates and good translation… and i dont understand why people cant upload here then you can just upload over them because ive seen some titles here that have done multiple version/translation… i mean fandom space is communal space it’d be different if it were your personal discord server or something like that… well i could be wrong please enlighten me

    Ieatbabbies March 27, 2024 11:02 am
    to be fair you deserve the most amount of time to rest & i wish you the easiest recovery however if you’re willing to drop it chance is another translation team would pick this up? then we can have both u... yoonso

    You saying you want a bunch of jumbled translations where u can’t even understand the plot?

    yoonso March 27, 2024 11:03 am
    You saying you want a bunch of jumbled translations where u can’t even understand the plot? Ieatbabbies

    i refuse to argue with you if that’s genuinely all you understand from my comment

    NightOwl26 March 27, 2024 11:38 am
    to be fair you deserve the most amount of time to rest & i wish you the easiest recovery however if you’re willing to drop it chance is another translation team would pick this up? then we can have both u... yoonso

    100% understand why you've put out this comment. My only thing is that even if Juju does drop this, I'm not sure that we'd get someone to pick the story up who would provide translations that make sense. Though I guess you neber really know (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    NightOwl26 March 27, 2024 11:39 am
    100% understand why you've put out this comment. My only thing is that even if Juju does drop this, I'm not sure that we'd get someone to pick the story up who would provide translations that make sense. Though... NightOwl26

    Damn... used the wrong dang kaomoji lolol. Was supposed to be ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Moony March 27, 2024 11:49 am
    to be fair you deserve the most amount of time to rest & i wish you the easiest recovery however if you’re willing to drop it chance is another translation team would pick this up? then we can have both u... yoonso

    I think it’s very unlikely a scan team will choose to pick this up if Juju drops it, considering it’s getting an official translation very shortly and a lot of scan teams won’t touch a project/soon drop projects when it gets an official translation. And not to be rude or start an argument, but asking Juju to drop it when they’ve expressed that they’re already working on chapters and quite obviously expressed they had no intention of dropping this project just on the off chance a scan team will pick it up and give updates sooner just sounds real entitled.
    Yes Juju is sick and should get as much rest as they can, but I’m sure they know their own limits and obviously I can’t speak for them, but this project could be a nice distraction from the sickness.
    I would much rather be giving Juju the time they need to get through the rest of the project than be getting some jumbled mess of a MTL’s with no quality control uploaded here to mess with the order or something. I know some people think different, but I personally loathe when a project has multiple different uploads, unless it’s your general bad translation redone to actually make some sense, you do not need multiple uploads for a single project.
    I’m currently sick myself so I’m sorry for the long comment but I couldn’t think how to condense it, but I hope it at least made some sense and didn’t offend.

    yoonso March 27, 2024 12:08 pm
    I think it’s very unlikely a scan team will choose to pick this up if Juju drops it, considering it’s getting an official translation very shortly and a lot of scan teams won’t touch a project/soon drop p... Moony

    most of the other translations uploaded explicitly mentioned that they’re willing to take theirs down when juju uploads though… and you can see the uploader beside the chapter number and choose to skip reading so it’s not like totally inconvenient. i just think principally it’s not right to limit who can upload in an open sourced website…especially since at the end of the day whether it’s juju’s or the others they’re equally as illegal. but i respect your opinion

    Moony March 27, 2024 12:45 pm
    most of the other translations uploaded explicitly mentioned that they’re willing to take theirs down when juju uploads though… and you can see the uploader beside the chapter number and choose to skip read... yoonso

    I can’t say I’ve seen any of the ones being uploaded over Juju lately so I was unaware of that fact, but that’s nice of them. I was more meaning based on one or two that I tried reading when it had multiple uploaders and the same chapter was uploaded right after one another or even in random groups of chapters then switching to another uploader etc, I can deal with it more when the same uploaders chapters are grouped together, but when they’re jumbled together it makes reading it real frustrating, having to skip over a chapter to get to the proper next one/having to check when the current group of chapters end etc, sorry once again for a long winded reply, that’s just been my experience when it comes to most projects with multiple uploaders lol
    I get what you’re saying about letting people upload though, however if it’s the MTL’s mentioned in Jujus notice they’re actually not suppose to be here, I know they more often than not do get uploaded, but it says in the upload page’s rules when you go to upload a chapter that MTL’s are not allowed

    NightOwl26 March 27, 2024 10:53 pm
    most of the other translations uploaded explicitly mentioned that they’re willing to take theirs down when juju uploads though… and you can see the uploader beside the chapter number and choose to skip read... yoonso

    Nah, I think you're right. Sometimes I forget the kind of site we're on. And you're right again. You don't HAVE to read it if you don't want to. I've actually read up to chapter 81 on a different site so I really shoulda just kept my mouth shut lolol

    NightOwl26 March 27, 2024 10:55 pm
    I can’t say I’ve seen any of the ones being uploaded over Juju lately so I was unaware of that fact, but that’s nice of them. I was more meaning based on one or two that I tried reading when it had multip... Moony

    Yea that's also why I had said my comment too. Only cause idk if the moderators would get rid of the translations themselves since they're MTLs