I watch kdramas as well as Thai, Chinese, Taiwanese and Vietnamese dramas and I just have to say nothing is on such a large scale like this is without looking at least a little goofy and a bit hard to suspend disbelief. Not saying that I don’t hope it turns out amazing (I’m hoping to be proven incredibly wrong) but I’m just saying it’s better to not have high expectations

Imo action scenes and CGI wise we still have some hopes since the live action will be directed by the director of Along With The Gods. My main concern is scenes being cut off and details missing since they will pack such a long novel into five movies. Especially since in the first upcoming movie Han Sooyoung won’t make any appearance, suggesting the plot adapted is still very early in the novel. How are they gonna catch up the rest of the plot with only four movies? But honestly I’ll still probably watch to see how it is lol
Reading this chapter make me wonder how will they adapt this insane scene to live action