I ship Kira and the cute blondie, I do hope she meant lovers when she said ...
I feel blue balled lol
That’s it?! Like literally? I’m not saying than I’m disappointed, ju...
Can't rate this anything less than a 5 out of 5. The creative team behind t...
* I felt heartache and sad for the blonde healer Amicha (forgot his name) because he didn't appear in the final chapters
* Because of the mystery shrouding her mother's past, I actually thought her mother had a power or something
* Does Kira's necklace have power? If yes, what does it do? (I thought the mirror's curse was deflected by the seed dragon and contained into the necklace. But seeing as it sometimes glows together with her red eyes, I guess it contains magic)
* What happens to the dragon after its birth? Will it reign over humankind or dwell into hiding as spectator to humanity's life?
* Can Kira now live as a woman freely? Won't she get punished for treachery against the temple, the Knights orders and the people in majority? Can she freely return to Ouberon without repercussions?
* What does companion mean? Is it friendship? Lover? A tandem for adventures? Well, as long as they're together and happy, it's alright I guess.
* I wonder where they will settle down when they're old and gray. Because, of course, they can't be traveling the world forever. Would they live in the secluded island of Ildeghan?
This story was packed with adventure, intrigue, politics and war. It's spicy enough, you'd forget it's also tagged romance. I haven't read the novel and a lot of people say they're quite disappointed. But imo, this was paced just right. Although, I do feel the end was quite rushed but it also adds to its charm where readers are left wistful and in wonder. Not all story has a happy ending. For Kira, it is just the beginning.