i want this specific recs
Am I mentally ready to drop Liveta? It has become like a toxic ex to me. Sp...
high school to adult/college bl
i crave a toxic morally wrong bl where they know they aren’t supposed to ...
Cute mangas/manhwa similar to gakusen baby sitter? I wanna see cute cute ba...
Ideas of this yaoi Manhwa?
Does anyone have any other website they use to read manhwas? There have bee...
please Please PLEASE
Any good interesting manga/manwhwa to read
Uke is heart broken as he was cheated by his boyfriend since the bf wanted to be socially accepted and got married. So uke said to himself that he will never date a bi man and still only go for full gay men. So he meets a new man and uke asked if he’s full gay and seem said yes. Days or weeks after seme got a call from ex gf about something forgot. Uke asked who that was and seme said his ex gf, they broke up right away