Woo-yeon has zero sex game

samthemaam March 26, 2024 11:28 pm

It’s kind of funny when I think about it because I’m starting to realize that woo-yeon is not good in bed, and he doesn’t really have rizz in general lol. in-seob clearly does not enjoy the sex except for a little bit towards the end their first time, woo-yeon hasn’t even tried to pleasure inseob in anyway like with foreplay or or kissing or anything else, and let’s be real woo-yeon’s dirty talk is kind of cringey and not really sexy at all. Assuming he has treated all his past sex partners this way, it’s amazing that anyone would have sex with him more than once

    ILoveLittleKids March 26, 2024 11:40 pm

    hes handsome, rich and super famous so it makes sense that everyone wants him even if he isnt good at fucking.

    Nonobi14 March 27, 2024 12:19 am

    I don’t think he is bad, I just think the visual adaptation was not completely on point