kirishimahoe March 26, 2024 7:44 pm

at first this story really confused me since i can't differentiate who is who but now i get it. please correct me if im wrong! so basically this girl like this man and his brother likes this girl but the girl didn't like him but she had fun with him (its so sad) then the guy killed himself bcs of her (unreciprocated feelings)

the girl clueless and thought someone killed him and become a whoreeee to find out who is the killer. post sex tape and then both main guy (suspected) got into prison etc even though they didn't pleaded guilty

so this woman fly to other country and marriednwith random ppl BUT THE ENDING i think that one guy black hair come back to her

    Ice31 March 29, 2024 7:39 pm

    Response to spoiler don't read if haven't read story

    Wow I didn't fully grasp the magnitude of that text part mentioned in story thanks. Yes she texted her man accidentally while meaning to text his brother saying she felt guilty about their affair. So all her actions were to try to alleviate and atone for her guilt, to find a reason outside of her for his death. In the end she didn't find one but succeeded is disrupting multiple people's lives.