I felt like I was Bamboozled

Chimney March 26, 2024 2:30 pm

The story starts promisingly but quickly loses its appeal, becoming bland. I cant understand why the seme would fall for the weird Uke for such weak reasons. The Uke's behavior is that of a stalker, for heaven's sake! Who in their right mind would develop feelings for someone just because they say sweet things, especially when they're a stalker? The writers should have created a more compelling narrative to showcase the Uke's complexity to the Seme overtime, so he wouldn't just see him as this weird person. And seriously, the dildo? How did the Seme not find that strange, especially considering the circumstances of being alone with the Uke in his apartment? Despite these flaws, I must admit the art style was quite good.

    Moon March 26, 2024 7:57 pm

    ?? uke wasn't necessarily a stalker I feel like ur dragging that, he fell for the uke as a friend at first bc he was the only one who "handle" or know the truth behind his actual personality mabye its been a while for the seme to hear those words from someone else so it touched him the seme is pretty sensitive, then he started falling for him lil by lil ,they r both flawed characters who find comfort within each other we will probably learn more of their backstorys but calling out the uke for being "weird" is literally the purpose of why he struggles with his emotions

    Moon March 26, 2024 7:59 pm

    ?? uke wasn't necessarily a stalker I feel like ur dragging that, he fell for the uke as a friend at first bc he was the only one who "handle" or knew the truth behind his actual personality mabye its been a while for the seme to hear those words from someone so it touched him the seme is pretty sensitive if u look at it, then he started falling for him lil by lil the seme is more open and quick to act on his emotions then the uke ,they r both flawed characters who find comfort within each other we will probably learn more of their backstorys but calling out the uke for being "weird" is literally the purpose of why he struggles with his emotions also I nvr understood the dildo situation does no normal adult have that around ? Like I get in the open was silly but ??!

    Moon March 26, 2024 8:02 pm
    ?? uke wasn't necessarily a stalker I feel like ur dragging that, he fell for the uke as a friend at first bc he was the only one who "handle" or know the truth behind his actual personality mabye its been a wh... Moon

    I don't think their should be any reasoning or "weak reasons" to fall for someone

    Chimney March 26, 2024 10:09 pm

    They've only hung out once, and their interactions have mostly been unpleasant. The Seme was even ready to kill him, for goodness' sake. Then, out of nowhere, after their first hangout, he quickly develops feelings for him? And to make matters worse, the Uke is essentially a stalker, which is a punishable offense.

    Chimney March 26, 2024 10:14 pm

    Picture being stalked, then suddenly this strange stalker becomes your group mate, and you're forced to spend time with someone you've been trying to avoid. Then, out of the blue, this person starts creepily trying to read your emotions during vulnerable moments and sweet-talking you. Would you instantly fall in love with them? Let's even forget the stalking; let's say they're just a random person. Are you that susceptible to falling in love just because they said some basic things like "you're not a bad person"?

    Chimney March 26, 2024 10:21 pm

    Even the Noona found it strange that the protagonist would leave something like that out in the open when expecting a visitor. If I had a straight friend coming over and we were alone, I'd feel incredibly embarrassed if they saw my dildo lying around, and the Seme even touched it, eww, that's so unnatural. In real life, touching something that goes into someone's butt is just not something people typically do.

    Roxa March 26, 2024 10:26 pm

    i dont get why ppl are downvoting u, ur literally just factually right, the author set up the premise of a though and dark love interest and they made him into a puppy in like 10 chapters

    Moon March 26, 2024 10:29 pm
    They've only hung out once, and their interactions have mostly been unpleasant. The Seme was even ready to kill him, for goodness' sake. Then, out of nowhere, after their first hangout, he quickly develops feel... Chimney

    No they've hung out alot yeah their interactions weren't the best but that's kinda the point is to built off development within the interactions especially bc the seme was finding it hard to open up to the uke bc he obv had a wall built up even after finding out the one person to find the truth about his personality was a "weirdo" like him, the uke stalking wasn't to the extreme as ur making it seem he did stare alot of front of the seme I think the uke was more pushy than anything which obv made the seme break ,bc he doesnt like ppl getting close to him he hates it ?? That's the point why he has this face smile 24/7 , lil by lil they started to talk way deeper tho I do agree it could've been dragged a lil longer but their feelings towards each other wasn't anything close to lazy writing or "moving on too quickly" theirs going to be more angst in their relationship it isn't going to be perfect and I do think the reason why the seme "fell so quickly" prob has to do w sum in his past but

    Moon March 26, 2024 10:37 pm
    i dont get why ppl are downvoting u, ur literally just factually right, the author set up the premise of a though and dark love interest and they made him into a puppy in like 10 chapters Roxa

    Neither of them are puppy one just shows more emotion and is open than the other

    Chimney March 26, 2024 10:56 pm
    No they've hung out alot yeah their interactions weren't the best but that's kinda the point is to built off development within the interactions especially bc the seme was finding it hard to open up to the uke ... Moon

    Their initial meeting was pleasant but brief. However, the subsequent interactions primarily consisted of the Uke stalking the Seme. Are you suggesting that the Seme gradually falls in love with the Uke because of the stalking behavior? If so, that's poor writing. In reality, most people wouldn't fall in love with their stalker; they'd likely report it to the authorities.

    Chimney March 26, 2024 10:57 pm

    I would have understood if the Seme misunderstood the Uke's reasons for stalking him. It would have been better if the Seme knew that he was merely being used as a reference for a script that the Uke was creating.

    Moon March 26, 2024 11:04 pm

    I think that's why the title is "Don't mix business with pleasure" and the seme is prob going to find out later on I think the uke is starting to falling for him actually but it's too late until the seme finds out the truth ...

    Moon March 26, 2024 11:06 pm
    Their initial meeting was pleasant but brief. However, the subsequent interactions primarily consisted of the Uke stalking the Seme. Are you suggesting that the Seme gradually falls in love with the Uke because... Chimney

    That's the very beginning of the story were later on its settled ??! Roughly but settled the seme finally knew the uke intentions on why he was following him around and they talked it out , again I think ur taking the stalking to the extreme bc it was more trying to get his attention??!

    Chimney March 26, 2024 11:33 pm
    i dont get why ppl are downvoting u, ur literally just factually right, the author set up the premise of a though and dark love interest and they made him into a puppy in like 10 chapters Roxa

    Idk either, well people are entitled to their own opinions. :)

    아리안네_알ex March 29, 2024 12:28 am

    Did you get paid to post a hate comment, you're stupid, or you just want attention? Did you even read it properly? Why is your reading comprehension so flawed? Read it again please, I think you left your brain cells somewhere

    Gayass March 29, 2024 2:00 am

    Girl, did we read the same story????
    Are u dumb?

    Gayass March 29, 2024 2:00 am
    Did you get paid to post a hate comment, you're stupid, or you just want attention? Did you even read it properly? Why is your reading comprehension so flawed? Read it again please, I think you left your brain ... 아리안네_알ex


    Mika March 29, 2024 2:52 pm
    Did you get paid to post a hate comment, you're stupid, or you just want attention? Did you even read it properly? Why is your reading comprehension so flawed? Read it again please, I think you left your brain ... 아리안네_알ex

    While i don't agree with what the original commenter said either, still you didn't have to be this rude. Especially that they weren't being disrespectful in the slightest they were just stating their opinion.

    lilahic March 29, 2024 2:57 pm
    i dont get why ppl are downvoting u, ur literally just factually right, the author set up the premise of a though and dark love interest and they made him into a puppy in like 10 chapters Roxa

    ???? that was the whole point of his character ???? dohu was following juheon in the first place because he also thought he'd be an interesting, dark character for his novel, but realized after a few conversations that he's just putting up a front because he believed his real self was unlovable. juheon's character is someone who just wanted to be told that he's still worthy of being loved even when imperfect and dohu was that person, that's why he fell so quickly.

    Mika March 29, 2024 3:07 pm
    ???? that was the whole point of his character ???? dohu was following juheon in the first place because he also thought he'd be an interesting, dark character for his novel, but realized after a few conversat... lilahic

    you just summarized the whole thing so well and clearly. I think that's possibly the best way to put it