So, dear Han Jei... you're a guy who's about to get married with a wedding right around th...

JayJay (I'm back!) March 26, 2024 2:00 pm

So, dear Han Jei... you're a guy who's about to get married with a wedding right around the corner, who is not only lying his head on his friend's lap for comfort, but even wanting to share the bed... and you still thinks it's supposed to be just a "caring friend" relationship?
Dude, you need therapy...

    Adam April 3, 2024 2:10 pm

    I don't quite agree, friends can totally do those things. In his case though... he's clearly got some feelings. Which is ehy it pisses me off that he proposed to a woman who he apparently doesn't even wanna marry and still wants to act like a couple with his best friend

    JayJay (I'm back!) April 3, 2024 6:39 pm
    I don't quite agree, friends can totally do those things. In his case though... he's clearly got some feelings. Which is ehy it pisses me off that he proposed to a woman who he apparently doesn't even wanna mar... Adam


    Friends do stop doing that stuff so often after a certain age and relationship experiences, though. Especially, when they're not roommates, but each accostumed to having their own separate roofs, and their own separate romantic partners ("separate" in the sense that their romantic partners aren't always from the same social circle, anymore). Moreover, when its a place where there ARE spare beds for the other person to use...

    It becomes kinda less frecuent to willingly share a bed with a friend (when there are spare beds) because at a certain age one starts getting prickly with their sleeping preferences, particuarly when you start really needing your quality sleep because age means you still have to get up early to go to work the next day, and will no longer be able to function without a good night's sleep) so you're no longer as tempted to be so accomodating if the friend has sleeping habits you're not used to, and which may disturb your sleep, like snoring, rolling over anf over while asleep, hogging the sheets, etc etc etc (the type of stuff you would save all your tolerance for only when it comes to a romantic partner in a steady relationship). You also become mindful of how your own sleeping habits may cause discomfort for the other person... not to mention about respecting other people's private business and space (like, always being mindful your friend may have planned to have someone over for sex, or may have been waiting for that chance to get re aquainted with their hand... or may simply NOT want to share their bed unless they absolutely have to, when there's a perfectly good extra bed just in the other room).

    I mean, the older you get, the more quality sleep you need to get you through the day, and the less you're willing to sacrifice it in order to adapt to sharing a bed with other people who's not your even your romantic partner. Sad, but true...