Bro what

Osushi March 26, 2024 12:23 pm

Is the author fr when they said Minwoo won't be reappearing again? He played his role? He belonged in the past?

Fck. What about closure? They used him for Skylar's trauma plot so now it's ok to discard him? Writers that use trauma as a plot device but do it half heartedly is so triggering to me ugh so annoying

    fenisme March 26, 2024 1:15 pm

    used him for skylar's trauma plot? what the fcuk are u talking abt lmao. the thing abt lost in the cloud is that it's REALISTIC. people that hurt u in the past usually stay in the past, they don't come back to in the future to cause more drama like it is in majority of manhwas. especially since skylar moved far away from his old school so it really would be unrealistic for them to just meet out of nowhere AND IT'S REALLY UNNECESSARY. "trauma as a plot device" are u hearing urself bruh there are ACTUAL PEOPLE in real life that went through something similar like skylar and the author wanted to show how traumatized people, deal with it and how they heal from it, skylar was written in a way that these people can relate to him. not bringing midwoo back also shows that it's not necessary for these people who hurt u in the past to come back to find closure. people come and go and life goes on. it's obvious that skylar already moved on from midwoo and he doesn't want to remember him so even for plot reasons what would be the point to bring him back? for unnecessary and boring drama? yall really need to move on from midwoo just like skylar did lol

    DEKUQUAN March 26, 2024 5:41 pm
    used him for skylar's trauma plot? what the fcuk are u talking abt lmao. the thing abt lost in the cloud is that it's REALISTIC. people that hurt u in the past usually stay in the past, they don't come back to ... fenisme

    Oop u ate that up

    Osushi March 26, 2024 8:00 pm
    used him for skylar's trauma plot? what the fcuk are u talking abt lmao. the thing abt lost in the cloud is that it's REALISTIC. people that hurt u in the past usually stay in the past, they don't come back to ... fenisme

    Are you perhaps reading Lost in the Universe instead of Lost in the Cloud? lol

    "it really would be unrealistic for them to just meet out of nowhere" you called the story realistic but if you read the latest translated chapter you'll see that one of the "past that hurt" Cirrus came back to haunt him tho lol so what now? Is Lost in the Cloud realistic or not? Typing a commnet that contradicted yourself? Oof. Not surprising when you can't even sit back and analyze what they were reading. SO SAD.

    Learn to comprehend for shts my gosh. Did I mention anything regarding their traumas as being unrealistic in the slightest? Oh my gosh. For some reason, you find it just fineeeeee that Cirrus met the red hair guy but the mere thought of Skylar having a NORMAL healthy conclusion to his past trauma w Minwoo is "unnecessary and boring drama"? Oh brotherrrrrrrrr

    Also, regarding plot devices. Can you look me in the eyes and tell me that Skylar and Cirrus' traumas are not being used to move the plot? Kindly, Respectfully, With all due respect, USE YOUR BRAIN.

    The way you are reading a FICTIONAL story w SA as one of its plot/character development means (ok, before I continue, make sure to brace yourself for this BIG REVEAL, ok? Listen well, ) the writer is IN FACT using SA as their 'plot device'. You don't like the sound of it? A bit rude for you? Boohoo. Not anyone's problem but a YOU-problem, hun. Crying over a literal writing technique, srsly? Whats this clownery behavior youre on about rn?

    Osushi March 26, 2024 8:05 pm
    Oop u ate that up DEKUQUAN

    I'm afraid fenisme ate the wrong meal and to top it off mistook my chicken sandwich to a tuna mayo one

    daddyrie March 26, 2024 11:18 pm

    there’s literally no reason for minwoo to come back, people who leave your life don’t always return.

    Osushi March 27, 2024 3:08 am
    there’s literally no reason for minwoo to come back, people who leave your life don’t always return. daddyrie

    There IS a reason for Minwoo's presence. For Skylar's closure.

    BUT I'll give reasons why you all don't like Minwoo to come back, you all are too fixated on these character's role. You see a flawed character (in a story full of pretty much flawed casts) make faulty acts in the beginning AND bcos he is not part of the main characters but a villainous one so you all flat out don't want them to have a redemption in any way shape or form AT ALL. You all dont want to see Minwoo in any line but the 'big bad guy' line. The BOY could of shouted all the reasons in the world, but you all would not consider them one bit. The BOY could of shouted he felt betrayed by someone he treated as his own family and he felt sick when a lips of another was forced on him while sleeping- Which is why he made sure to let that person (Skylar) experience it himself. (dont react yet read the next one, come on)

    (Important bit, make sure to read carefully) Were Minwoo's methods right at that time? No. Am I making light of what happened to Skylar? No. Am I saying Minwoo did nothing wrong? No. Did I like Minwoo? No. Is that why I am saying all these, do I really like Minwoo? No. Do I really think Minwoo felt bad for what he did to Skylar (as a 15-16 yo adolescent)? THAT I WOULD WANT TO KNOW.

    You all want a bad character to stay bad. The antagonistic force is getting on you all way TOO well lol

    But you know what, w all the things I spat out I want to conclude this rant by saying, you do you. If you want to stay fixated on the status quo, sure, why not. BUT you are in my comment box rn, YOU are in MY space and like I said, I AM not satisfied w Skylar having to not get his Minwoo chapter closure. Get on w it or LEAVE IT cos I won't.

    DEKUQUAN March 27, 2024 3:13 am
    Are you perhaps reading Lost in the Universe instead of Lost in the Cloud? lol"it really would be unrealistic for them to just meet out of nowhere" you called the story realistic but if you read the latest tran... Osushi


    daddyrie March 27, 2024 9:50 am
    There IS a reason for Minwoo's presence. For Skylar's closure.BUT I'll give reasons why you all don't like Minwoo to come back, you all are too fixated on these character's role. You see a flawed character (in ... Osushi

    there’s no need for you to think up reasons for me since you’re far off anyway. also chill out, it’s not that serious. you’re acting as if it’s illegal for people to reply to your post.

    min woo does not need to come back at all, you don’t need to see the person who caused your trauma to be able to overcome it — and it’s more realistic for someone to grow as a person on their own rather than someone from their past randomly showing up in their lives. skylar literally moved far away from his hometown, why would he suddenly come across min woo? it’s such a cliche and tired trope and i’m so glad the author hasn’t gone down that overused route. why on earth would we need to see min woo get a redemption arc? this story isn’t about him, he doesn’t really matter in skylar’s present, he’s only an aspect of his past. and also what if he’s simply not that kind of person? not everyone just turns a new leaf and becomes good, that’s pretty unrealistic.

    levipleasecallmeback March 27, 2024 11:23 am

    you’re already getting flamed and i want to add even more fuel to the fire. it would be extremely triggering if minwoo appeared in skylars life again WHAT?! he played his role as a bully and awful person, and this story is focusing on skylars healing journey, how he lives alongside his trauma, how it affects him even after moving environments, and now his new, deep connection with cirrus will allow him vulnerablity- one that was tainted and destroyed by minwoo…

    we remember he was the main perpetrator in skylars social isolation/harassment/sexual assault right?? i don’t know what dreamland you’re living in but a confrontation between them wouldn’t resolve anything or heal trauma. people like minwoo don’t need to be forgiven in order for a victim to gain closure , in fact minwoo should be tortured by his actions until the day he dies and know skylar will never give him the peace to move on

    Osushi March 27, 2024 12:59 pm
    there’s no need for you to think up reasons for me since you’re far off anyway. also chill out, it’s not that serious. you’re acting as if it’s illegal for people to reply to your post.min woo does no... daddyrie

    SO BASICALLY I said "I want apples :(" but you came on me, butting in and adding your own 2 cents saying "but I like oranges /:(" ANDDDD youre wondering why I'm finding you all annoying?? Are you fr?

    Andromeda (Yaffa’s version) March 27, 2024 1:04 pm

    I’m being sf serious when I say this, but what is it about this story? It attracted some of the worst types of ppl into its’ audience. Like GOD FORBID anyone says anything other than “character xyz best boy!” or sum shit cuz then suddenly you got a whole cult in your replies typing out their senior year PhD thesis about “why your opinion sucks and mine doesn’t!” And it’s not just your comment, I’m seeing it for ANYONE that voices any type of criticism or non-glazing opinion. Just aggressive and annoying for what.

    Osushi March 27, 2024 1:11 pm
    you’re already getting flamed and i want to add even more fuel to the fire. it would be extremely triggering if minwoo appeared in skylars life again WHAT?! he played his role as a bully and awful person, and... levipleasecallmeback

    I aint feeling the pressure cos to me you all are just a bunch of nosy (bit annoying) ppl shouting at someone (me) that is OBVIOUSLY on the opposite side of the bridge. Idek if you all are saying all these to change my mind or what. But either way, you all just wasting your time bcos I said what I said and I WANT WHAT I WANT.

    You all are preaching about a possible closure between Skylar and Minwoo as being unrealistic but to me BOTH a closure and no closure are equally REALISTIC. Both can happen irl and if either one do happen here then, cool. It just so happen that >I< prefer the first option (closure) and! No one can change my mind bout that.

    Osushi March 27, 2024 1:14 pm
    I’m being sf serious when I say this, but what is it about this story? It attracted some of the worst types of ppl into its’ audience. Like GOD FORBID anyone says anything other than “character xyz best b... Andromeda (Yaffa’s version)

    Wait what

    ktrevv March 27, 2024 2:18 pm
    used him for skylar's trauma plot? what the fcuk are u talking abt lmao. the thing abt lost in the cloud is that it's REALISTIC. people that hurt u in the past usually stay in the past, they don't come back to ... fenisme

    Yeah you actually ate that bro the op sounds really dumb if they want this overused trope they can read another manhwa

    Osushi March 27, 2024 3:02 pm
    Yeah you actually ate that bro the op sounds really dumb if they want this overused trope they can read another manhwa ktrevv

    "Yeah you actually ate that bro" So fcking cringe ugh whats w you all seemingly scking on eo's thumbs or smth weirdos

    daddyrie March 27, 2024 3:21 pm
    SO BASICALLY I said "I want apples :(" but you came on me, butting in and adding your own 2 cents saying "but I like oranges /:(" ANDDDD youre wondering why I'm finding you all annoying?? Are you fr? Osushi

    well no you basically said “i want skylar to have apples again” and im saying why would he have apples when he doesn’t like them and they grow out of state? you can get annoyed all you want, but getting this mad that people are disagreeing with you in a public forum is wild. it’s not like i was rude about it, there’s no need for hysterics. it’s not that serious

    fenisme March 27, 2024 5:18 pm
    "Yeah you actually ate that bro" So fcking cringe ugh whats w you all seemingly scking on eo's thumbs or smth weirdos Osushi

    talking abt cringe when u said "I'm afraid fenisme ate the wrong meal and to top it off mistook my chicken sandwich to a tuna mayo one" bffr

    Andromeda (Yaffa’s version) March 27, 2024 6:14 pm
    Wait what Osushi

    Sorry ik it’s confusing lol. I’m talking about the replies to your comment. I kinda went on a rant last night bc I’ve seen these ppl camp in the replies of like 3 other folks that said they didn’t like something about the story.

    levipleasecallmeback March 27, 2024 7:29 pm
    I aint feeling the pressure cos to me you all are just a bunch of nosy (bit annoying) ppl shouting at someone (me) that is OBVIOUSLY on the opposite side of the bridge. Idek if you all are saying all these to c... Osushi

    no one looked for you big bro you posted this opinion when a new chapter dropped and readers have to scroll to post a topic too? yours just happened to be there and we noticed how bad of a take this was it’s not that deep. and yea our goal was to change your mind because this was a very unsettling take that would only happen in cliche and badly written movies. it was to give you insight, so not really a waste of time since you read it but have a hard time backing down after being told you were wrong

    bully apologizing to their victim… really… even now skylar is triggered by any slight change in his friendship and their behavior. if someone stabbed me and came back two years later to say sorry what would that do for me. does it heal my trauma around groups of people, does it change the pain i was in? the scenario you want only provides closure for minwoo, and not seeing that means you have a very naive outlook on trauma + victim/perpetrator dynamics. that isn’t realistic and closure isn’t only an apology, more so if it’s on this scale. sometimes the best thing is the persons absence from their life

    levipleasecallmeback March 27, 2024 7:40 pm
    SO BASICALLY I said "I want apples :(" but you came on me, butting in and adding your own 2 cents saying "but I like oranges /:(" ANDDDD youre wondering why I'm finding you all annoying?? Are you fr? Osushi

    people would’ve left your opinion alone if it wasn’t posted the day of uploading and if it wasn’t a wild take on closure. plus you did say his trauma was used half heartedly when this season is about skylar and cirrus opening up to each other. skylar has yet to process his trauma and confide to a friend about his experiences, which is pretty realistic considering he’s a young teenager whos past made him extremely insecure and doubtful about his presence in friendships. you’re kinda jumping to conclusions when the story is barely kicking off about both their healing journeys… last two seasons established their dynamic and how they grew to tolerate then like one another, while this season gives them room to grow together
