its complicated but he's definitely not a psycho. at some point he begins to question why he does everything he does and the importance of his role. it's mentioned a lot that he's just learned to be lonely and away from his loved ones because that's the only way he can keep going while doing this job, that's why he's so expressionless. and he's always treated the protagonist well, you'll see in the next chapters. so you shouldn't worry! they're so cute together lol

yeah he's a good dude. the novel is written based on mc pov so we don't really know what lu feng actually thinks. he's expressionless the whole time but his actions are really nice to the mushroom/protective of him. lu feng actually teased him a lot and he's nice to the mc from the start until the end, even when he knew he's a mushroom

I know he’s gonna be nice to the mc. It’s a romance novel. I’m asking if he’s a good human being. Like were the people he killed really all monsters? If they weren’t then does he regret it? I’m asking because so far we’re just seeing him shoot mfs with an expressionless face and some of the characters he shot were ones I liked too (the girl that just died).

Yes all the people he killed were infected. We find out later that he has a 100% accuracy rate. I don't remember if they ever say why he's so good at what he does. Overall, Lu Feng is a good person put into the difficult role of Arbiter. He does genuinely believe he's working for the greater good of humanity.

oh sorry i thought you're expecting him to be abusive towards mc like the manhwa painter of the night or something he doesn't show emotion throughout the novel (except romantic gestures towards mc) he's like the typical heroic "i will sacrifice anyone to save the world" kinda character. there were times (spoiler) he's being tested to kill his loved ones, and he did it without showing emotions. I'm not sure if you want to know that detail but I'll mention it just in case. overall, good guy wanting to save humanity, but very cold
I read the novel years ago so I don’t remember the plot well. Can someone spoil me and tell me if ml’s a good dude? I wanna read the novel again but I don’t wanna do it if the ml’s someone cold hearted, with no emotions.