Came back

plinky25 March 26, 2024 6:31 am

Came back and Ngl this should have a tragedy tag.
I’m gonna talk about the story and ending so SPOILERS:
So if you look at my earlier comment, I wrote highly about this story. And adding onto the fact that I had said I don’t like time travel stories cause it gets too complicated and stuff gets all messed up, unfortunately this has been added to the list of time travel stories I don’t like. I’m disappointed because there was A TON of potential in the beginning, but I feel like the author added way too many things and started branching in all sort of directions. I believe the story started to go downhill for me when the white haired guy was introduced, new characters, and Ezra getting his dream job. It got so much more complicated. It also bothers me that the lesson of the story is “you can’t change destiny.” Then what the heck is the point of being able to time travel anyways? To mess up your timeline and just witness everything happening around you?? It just feels like there’s no importance in being able to have the ability to time travel. Like a curse put on her. Such a lesson made me feel as if the entire story and all of the main character’s actions was entirely useless. It left such a hopeless feeling for the readers.

She went through so much trauma and suffering and for what. Life lessons? Learning to get hurt and move on?? As if that isn’t something that can be learned by just having a normal life lmao. It’s like they have her the ability to time travel to sort of give her hope to be able to change things, but then slapped her in the face with a, “you can’t actually do anything though, you can just watch in 4K.” And don’t even get me started on Ezra.
So at first I thought the romance was gonna be with Ezra because it felt like it was leading to that. With him being the first to find her and take care of her 24/7, and the whole point of him getting fit and hot for whatever reason. Because why would he need to change his appearance if he was just a regular friend, wouldn’t make sense for him to just get hot for fun lmao. Then I started to think he isn’t the romance interest since the white haired boy showed up. And though I skipped around so I may be wrong, but it’s revealed(?) that the white haired boy who is the MC’s bf or potential romance interest is her cousin?? So he’s not one. He also was dropped off the story pretty easily, and was just like “okay bye.” Then I see some scenes of Ezra and the mc and it looks like they’re implied to be romantically involved so I’m confused. Then it’s said Ezra will die and it can’t be changed. LIKE WTF.

Why would the author make a character to be so important and feel attached to, only for them to just kill them off for fun. And then the epilogue was just a further slap to the face with more destroying hope. Where was the romance that it was supposedly tagged as? I hate tragedy and “realistic” endings, as if saying time travel is realistic lmao. Hopefully I can be warned by the tag next time to avoid yet another tragedy story. This story left a bad aftertaste in the mouth and I don’t feel good about it whatsoever. W.e.b. t.o.o.n comments always like to have commenters that wanna be fully supportive of the author so they never have any realistic disappointment to say, they just are like “cool realistic.”
