You're right girl..I agree . But what I meant was that he struggled/fought off his urge of wanting to spend his life with the alpha. Like after all that shit happened and even the beta suggested a poly kinda relationship, he said no and even went to surgery soooooo...I was talking in a broader sense not those two incidents of cheating for which I 100% condemn him. I mean have you read the other story? you might've understood what I meant if you had....But anyways I don't support cheating at all even though it's a supernatural cause here....what I found better was how the rest of the story went by after all that (please note that all this that I'm saying is constantly in comparison to that other story with a very similar backdrop, if I had read this as a standalone....I probably would be hating on him much I have a bias I think sry
Well, you do you. I've read this more than once to check if there are more to the story, and check did he the victim or nah. I can forgive him if that just once, but twice? Nah. The resolution to get the surgery is great. But Im not a fan of cheating so Im still bias on that.
I'm so mad at him making his bf cry like that as if it's the bf is at fault while it's not.
You see, I don't really feel the remorse after he had sex the second time with the alpha. He only feel really bad once the bf cry. And after he had sex with the alpha, there are no conversation took place talking how they should deal with this problem. He doesn't say anything like "stop looking for me" or anything. He just saying some ambiguous thing. lol.
Uke doesn't tell his bf he had sex with other guy, okay. The bf found out cz uke were arguing with the alpha. I bet if the bf doesn't found out they'd still go at it at later date with whatever excuse he'd come up with.
Let's end the discussion at this is such a bad plot cz its 3 am here and I wanna read some actually good mangas before going to bed.
Hmm you've got a point. It's not known what he'd have done had the beta not came to know what happened the first time. Right. I really feel bad for the beta and am on his side. So to conclude let's just say that both the beta's in this story and in Erito Ω Wa Yoru ni Oborete were treated poorly. My focus has been more on the comparison than this actual story and hence it might've got quite confusing where I'm coming from. It's fine
He cheated on him. TWICE. Imma let that sink in.