My 2cents

Daisies March 26, 2024 2:09 am

ML (black hair dude) liked the blonde but wasn’t inclined to commit possibly cause he was a beta, blonde was decently smart about the situation and didn’t get too close. The whole bond thing happen , blonde ran away, had their kid. Then ML finds them gets hella possessive, realizes that blonde doesn't love him the same, and misunderstands assuming he already moved on to a new alpha. Cause no way could an omega and alpha have a platonic only relationship!! could have all been solved in 10chapters if they bothered to talk like grown adults

    AWinterWonderLand March 26, 2024 8:27 am

    He didn't want to commit because he likes a relationship that is not too close.

    Daisies March 27, 2024 10:42 pm
    He didn't want to commit because he likes a relationship that is not too close. AWinterWonderLand

    Yep another good point