Messy Writing

OnePageMoar March 25, 2024 9:58 pm

This strikes me as a writer who had a bunch of scenes in mind but didn't consider how to make them cohesive. Everything is very fast paced and jarring. You don't have a chance to connect to any of the characters before a new one is introduced... and then another. :S Everything that happened within 15 chapters could have made for a compelling story if it had been spread out to maybe 50 or so. This would have given time for things to build and for us to get an idea/opinion on characters.

But no. It goes from "thoughtful guy who gave space to uncle/nephew" to a sudden "yelling and accusing partner, most likely hot headed."

Then "infatuated because uncle has a nice body" to suddenly "protective, standing up for uncle, borderline lovesick behavior, annnd acting like he knows everyone involved and calling out others faults."

Oh and "friend with unrequited love for years who always acted like a stable rock and source of advice" to "yelling at uncle, looking at him like he's a whore and passing instant judgments."

Like, how much of a yoyo can these characters be? The writer clearly had an idea about the characters when coming up with the story... only to not share any of it with us.

    winter March 25, 2024 10:01 pm

    You took the words right out my mouth, thank you for explaining so clearly because it was just that..
    Its wayyyyyy to fast paced

    Xsmisee March 26, 2024 4:09 am

    Seriously.. just the characterization is making no sense?! It's such a a cheap cop out to try and justify the end game. I'm really glad most readers feel the same