The "brother"??

XtaeX March 25, 2024 2:34 pm

I'm pretty sure it was the brother (twin/step brother? Idk) he was kissing. The woman said "you three were always hanging out together", the brother had a mole, so does the other guy they were hanging out with, so I think it's the same guy. Makes sense why Woo would be hurt and probs traumatized by seeing them together like that.

    masuries March 26, 2024 2:25 pm

    EXACTLY!!! I don’t get why people think the step bro dressed up as seo in and kissed a rando?? What’s the point of the dream then and also the part in the earlier chaps when yeonwoo thought seo in and the brown haired dude were a thing cause he thinks seo in has a thing for guys who look like the dude he kissed back then WHICH WAS HIS STEP BROOO!