What is moritat? What is it use for? I am getting confuse.. someone please tell me

Mikan January 21, 2017 2:12 pm

What is moritat? What is it use for? I am getting confuse.. someone please tell me

    Mcgeek January 21, 2017 2:40 pm

    I think its a machine that make you go into a dream like state or like a coma. I think it can also take away memories, like a trauma or things like that. I'm not sure

    Anoni Grrl January 21, 2017 3:18 pm

    It's a sort of virtual reality program Jesse's family was working on for a long time, and Jesse made and Law tinkered with. The VR connects directly to the brain and the experience takes place in someone's subconscious and allows another to enter (virtually) and control your subconscious (e.g. blocking or changing memories). It's kind of like The Matrix. Law is supposed to be a guide to make sure Jesse can get out. Law is not so innocent as all that.

    Mikan January 21, 2017 9:37 pm

    Ok thank you