Totally thinking the same thing. But because nii-chan really adores misaki and i think he wont get mad at him but will get angry with akikhito because you know he did force himself on misaki but later they start dating but when nii-chan finds out can image he's gonna punch him in the face. Usagi and misaki probs see a new face of takahiro (*-*) feel like nii-chan will force misaki away from usagi. But then we do have the nee-chan, probs she will help misaki and concede nii-chan
I had a feeling a long time ago Née-chan would figure out about the two of them first, and knew we would be getting into it soon, but still was surprised when she asked. I'm excited but so scared how Nii-chan will handle it. I'm picturing him not quite getting what Misaki is telling him but when he figures it out, he will lose it on Usagi and try getting Misaki to leave him, trying to be the protective big brother. I really hope I'm wrong though