he literally got raped, emotionally abused and is now emotionally and financially dependent on jaekyung also his grandma is sick, im curious as to how exactly is he a pushover? he’s traumatised ffs, all of you saying “he’s so annoying, why didnt he just stand up for himself” clearly havent had any real problems in life smh
im just gonna copy and paste a comment that i replied with to a person who didn’t understand Dan’s character just like you
[…]he’s still young and has a lot to learn, also he’s clearly emotionally and financially depentend on Jaekyung, and he feels indebted to him which doesnt make things easier, add rape and mental assault to that and you’ll understand why he acts the way he acts, maybe read a little about Stockholm Syndrome, or how victims tend to cling and defent their abusers in such complex situations, seeing how he doesnt really have any friend or family, except for his grandma who’s in the hospital, he has nowhere to turn for advice or just someone to talk, thats all im gonna say in response to your ignorant comment :)
yeah thats why i said he’s „pushing 30” not that he is 30, also no, i think three of the terms i used apply in this relationship, Dan was raped, assaulted physically and mentally by Jaekyung but he still caught feeling and felt like he deserved all the things that happened to him and how Jaekyung treated him, thats literally the definition of Stockholm syndrome, and yes i did leave verbatim messages because two of those people made the same comments saying they are annoyed by Dan for not standing up for himself and that he’s a pushover so yeah.
he accepted it because he needed a lot of money ASAP to take care of his dying grandma and to pay off his loans, which he couldnt do in time if he just worked a part time job… just because he said yes doesnt mean he wanted to.. idk whats so hard to understand, Dan had huge loans and a sick grandma, Jaekyung paid off his loans and paid for his grandma’s treatment, obviously Dan feels indebted and he’ll have nowhere to live if he moves out, he knows that if he leaves he’ll be homeless with no money for himself or his grandma, so OBVIOUSLY he’s putting up with the abuse because he feels like he has no other way, it’s literally a gay comic its not that hard to understand
i am NOT forcing my opinion, the fact that you think rape culture is a matter of an „opinion” is scary, and yeah maybe i shouldnt have used „dub con” i should have used „non con” because saying dub con would imply that the consent was unknown/not stated meanwhile Dan is screaming and crying for JK to stop in most sex scenes which means he DIDNT WANT IT which means ITS NON CON (non consensual) WHICH IS RAPE!!!!! thats not an opinion its a fact
also idk wtf kind of stupid juice your friend is drinking because theres no „non con without rape”, what youre saying is a literal oxymoron, non con itself is a synonym for rape, there is something like CNC which is Consensual Non Consent which is ROLEPLAY and thats the only „non con” without actual rape because its pretend, Dan was definetly NOT pretending… so educate yourself and your friend
Stop forcing your opinion. How is this about rape culture? You are triggered. Non-con is a scope. Dan was not screaming. He was crying but he was not crying for him to stop. Your pseudo-details will not change the facts.
Him crying doesn’t mean he doesn’t want it. You don’t understand the story or Dan. You don’t understand rape or non-consensual. It’s your opinion to make all non-con rape. What kind of stupid juice are you drinking?
This is what my friend posts and so educate yourself
Rape is a form of sexual assault in which a person (man, woman or child) is forced to engage in sexual relations (vaginal, anal or oral) against his or her will or without having given consent. Often an attacker will use physical force in committing rape; however, rape also occurs when someone uses threats of violence or emotional force or manipulation to engage an individual in sex.
Rape is a FORM of Sexual Assault. Sexual assault means more.
In which a person is forced to engage in sexual relations. Where is that in Jinx?
Jinx is non-consensual but it is not rape. Sexual coercion is sexual assault not rape.
That means rape is included in nonconsensual but so is many others
". The University will not tolerate rape, sexual assault, or other forms of sexual violence or nonconsensual sexual activity."
— Why is a university separating rape and nonconsensual?
"Any actual or attempted nonconsensual sexual activity including, but not limited to: sexual intercourse, or sexual touching, committed without physical force, coercion, threat, or intimidation; exhibitionism or sexual language of a threatening nature by a person(s) known or unknown to the victim."
Sexual touching is non con? touching? Not rape.
“Nonconsensual pornography” is when a sexually graphic image of you is shared without your consent.
Non-consensual sex takes many forms, including forced sex, transactional sex, cross-generational sex, unwanted touch, and molestation.
Rape is non-con but not all non-con is rape or explain how molestation is rape?
"Sexual coercion is sexual assault, not rape."
It is a type of sexual assault because even if someone says yes, they are not giving their consent freely." Only one time on that page do they make clear one type is rape. The rest is sexual assault. Rape is also sexual assault.
Maybe if you look deeper at Dan you may understand where there is not rape.
Or keep looking like you don't know what rape is. You definitely showed you don’t understand non-con. Educate yourself. We have and your opinions don’t change the facts.